Part 16

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"E-excuse me? Uh... sir...? Sir."

Y/N had sat in a rather secluded area in the transport, opting to take a corner row rather than one close to an exit.

In the wide aisle leading to said exit, were other Vacuo citizens and secured cargo varying in size, some even being a full on car.

Disturbing Y/N from his contemplation was a young woman, he looked up from his scroll to give her a questioning gaze.

Well... she's not here to rob me at least.

The one standing before him appeared to be in her late teens with dirty blond hair laid free around her shoulders. She had bright blue eyes that were ridden in anxiety and possibly nervousness.

On her back was a large pack, larger than Y/N's and used for extended hikes or camping trips.

She wore a brown leather jacket, it hugged against her torso and over an orange dress shirt. What finished her outfit were dusty brown cargo pants and running shoes. It was a strange combination that had Y/N with more questions than answers.

"Do you mind if I...?" She flicked her eyes towards Y/N's seat where he laid his pack. "Ya' know... please tell me you know."

Scanning the other passengers with a quick glance, Y/N came to a conclusion that she was overly paranoid from the traveling Vacuoans or exercised great caution because of them. He only wondered why she chose him out of the roster of rugged individuals.

"Sure." Y/N responded, he picked up his pack to set it between his shoes.

The stranger exhaled heavily in relief and plopped herself down beside Y/N in a way a reckless teenager would. Unknown to Y/N it's exactly what she was.

"Thank you." She rubbed her hands together fast enough to warm her palms, she removed a pack of her own and dropped it on the floor. "Everyone here looks likes they'll rob me." She whispered before her face shifted to mild surprise. "Is that bad to say??"

"No." Y/N answered plainly, his brows furrowed just a pinch when she actually looked relieved.

What are you doing here??

She let out a mixture of an exhale and grunt, turning into a strange enough sound for the tips of her ears to turn a shade of pink.

"Sorry." She said through a nervous chuckle and twitching grin. She rubbed the back of her neck before taking a deep breath. "I really, really hate flying."

Y/N hummed in acknowledgment and understanding, he knew it was a pretty common problem.

"I-I thought about taking a train then-then I heard about the bandit groups in the mountains between Shade and Vale-"

Y/N raised a hand to stop the finicky girl, he quickly noticed how her eyes darted around wildly and her quick gasps of air.

Her blue eyes looked between his gloved hand and his unwavering expression.

"Take a deep breath." Y/N firmly said. "Count to three."

She quickly followed along, she was confused but she had the spirit.

"No." Y/N said, stopping the young woman as she quickly inhaled. "Slowly."

"Okay..." She muttered under her breath, she then began to slowly inhale through her teeth.

"One-" Y/N raised a finger. "-two-" And another. "-three." Until he had all three fingers up he continued, his voice calming. "Now exhale. Three-"

The two continued the process for a couple more minutes, until then did the unknown woman finally settle down.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now