Part 128

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"I never thought you were one to actually enjoy a book..."

Y/N shrugged to his wife. "To be fair... I only struggled with history."

"And how's that going?" Glynda asked sarcastically.

The corner of Y/N's lips were pursed. "I won't be a history major anytime soon."

"You have to at least remember something." She said, her tone deadpanned.

"I know bits of history most experts don't know," He pointed a finger. "So by technicality, I'm above them."

She showed genuine curiosity with bits of amusement sprinkled in. "Like what?"

He thought for a moment, racking his mind for something juicy and on the border of outright ridiculousness.

He snapped his finger. "The only other thing left behind from the ancient humans besides Dust, is that sword."

That was two facts in one, practically no one knew their remains and remaining magic had been turned to Dust, and the same could be said for Sovereign.

"Wait..." Glynda's brows furrowed as she readjusted her glasses. "So what you're telling me is-we have been using human remains as a source for-everything??"

He gave a slow nod, what followed was a deep and pensive silence, and a moment of deep reflection.

"I'm-not sure how I feel about that." Glynda stammered, rubbing her forehead.

"Imagine how I feel." He chuckled, feeling the vast wealth of knowledge produce unanswerable questions.

"So that would mean your sword is-"

"Excuse me."

A nurse peaked into the room, his antlers catching on the rubber flap.

"Yes?" Glynda answered.

"Sorry." He whispered to Y/N. "But his grandmother's here to visit."

The Huntress's brows furrowed into a deep glare, while her shoulders were tensed with a semi-clenched fist.

"Uhh... I don't have a grandmother." Y/N then looked to Glynda. "Do I?"

"Of course you do!"

Glynda was halfway out of her seat when an elderly woman came walking in, her cane - decorated with a ornate skull - thumping along the ground.

Y/N gave the older woman a quizzical glance as she shooed away the nurse.

"Can you give us a moment?"

"Wait, what did he say-?"

"It was a very long trip, I'm so very tired." She laughed, gently nudging him out. "Thank you."

Y/N knew better than to judge a book by its cover, so with her back turned, he slipped his magnum underneath his blanket. Firing it would hurt like hell, but he wasn't taking any risks.

The unknown woman sighed while her strange optics narrowed in on Y/N, supposedly to get a good look at his face.

"Yep, you're definitely the one."

She walked forward, her speed slow, also unaware of the gun pointed her way, let alone the split second she could be crushed.

She hopped up to a spare seat, setting her cane on her lap with a satisfied sigh.

"Do I know you?" Y/N asked, his tone cautious and slow.

"I'd hope so." She chuckled. "But probably not."

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now