Part 169

345 19 16

"What about this one?"

"I don't even know who that is."

Y/N's gave a shirt within Harriet's hands a good long look. Normally, he'd wear the most plain clothes, whatever worked, worked.

The design on the T-shirt was explosive, literally. It showed a balding man jumping out of an exploding building with big words of a movie title.

"You've never heard of Spruce Willis." Harriet stated, as if it was the most unbelievable thing in the world.

"Is he an—actor?" Y/N asked, his brows furrowed.

"I'll take that as a yes." The Specialist rolled her eyes and set the shirt back on a rack.

It was the early morning, and just like Harriet had said before, she took him shopping.

Y/N already had a couple bags of pants, shorts, and underwear. Some things Y/N needed and didn't need, but he agreed that the shorts were a necessity for the days ahead.

Now they browsed a very pricy but quality store, looking for clothes that Harriet insisted they buy.

"This movie came out eight years ago." Y/N held his scroll with narrowed eyes. "Even before that he made movies nearly forty years ago!"

"I figured you would've known." Harriet shrugged, inspecting another shirt.

"Why?" Y/N's expression went deadpanned. "Because I'm ol-"

"No." She interrupted sharply. "I'm almost thirty, and even I heard of him."

Making a sharp turn, she left to another section, something more Y/N's style while leaving him behind with a confused expression.

"Wait..." He caught up with a short jog. "How old are you?"

Harriet shot him a brief but dry look, making him clear his throat.

"Sorry. How young are you?"

Releasing an incredulous snort and crossing her arms, Harriet looked him dead in the eye and asked. "How old do you think I am?"

Y/N froze for a second, a pause that quickly passed.

"Never mind..." He muttered as his eye caught a long sleeve (Favorite Color) shirt. "Hey, what about this one?"

"Don't change the subject."

"Alright..." Y/N sighed, his shoulders sagging. "You want an opinion or compliment?"

"An opinion would be nice." Harriet chuckled with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"Mid to late twenties."

The Specialist released a heavy sigh with a distant murmur. "Guess I can't be mad about that."

"So I'm right."

"Yes, Y/N." She replied dryly. "You were right. I'm twenty-eight."

I can't even say anything without seeming like a creep...

"Okay." Y/N nodded before going back to shopping.

"Wha-" Harriet raised her arms. "Is that it?"

Y/N spotted another couple in the corner of his eyes, both looking through a section of boots and shoes.

"I'm not going to say anything in public." He chuckled, almost nervously, while shaking his head.

"So you do have something to say."

"Not right now, no."

"Go ahead." She again crossed her arms with a whisper. "Say it."

"I'm not going to." He gave a small laugh, unaffected by her questioning leer.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now