Part 153

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Boarding a transport was easy, as was avoiding a conversation when everyone strayed far away. Either from infamy, or trained eyes catching the extra weapons under a coat.

Y/N didn't mind in the slightest, if anything, it gave him the much needed privacy for an incoming call.

Clicking his scroll open, he answered almost immediately when he recognized the number.

"Yeah." He greeted softly, both in affection and to avoid any eavesdroppers.

"Are you—busy?"

It was Sienna, and by the sound of her voice, Y/N knew there was trouble, something worrying.

"N-no," Y/N fixed anyone staring with a small glare, discouraging their curiosity. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She sighed, either in relief or distress, he couldn't tell. "I just wanted to talk."

"Okay..." Y/N nodded with a gentle voice. "You can start by telling me what happened."

Sienna scoffed, somewhat in amusement and submission. "I... Well, I went on a little trip, security for a transport."

"You're not hurt, are you?"

"No." She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Caught a lucky break... but the driver wasn't as fortunate."

Clearing her throat, she continued. "We were supposed to dispense supplies in a nearby village, but a—bunch of humans ambushed us. Killed the lead driver and halted the convoy."

She was shaken up from the sounds of it, but not entirely from her close call with death.

"They weren't even bandits..." She scoffed somberly. "They just—they just wanted to kill some faunus."

She recalled it just fine, the rumbling dirt road between settlements, paired with a slight hum from a young woman, tuning out the boring drive with a small song on her scroll.

It was sudden, the slight smack of something on the windshield, piercing it and killing the driver with a fatal gunshot to the head.

Y/N listened as she went on about the horrible ringing in her ears when the bullet whizzed and cracked just over her shoulder. Then, the panic.

"We went straight into a tree, I only made it out alive because of one of my group, Adam, sprung out and killed them."

She laughed incredulously, obviously distraught. "He—saved us, then Ghira had the audacity to tell him that it wasn't right! As if we were going to talk to them! Or—or send them to jail after telling that girl's family she was murdered!"

Releasing a heavy sigh, she heard Y/N response softly. "Sounds to me like he was defending you."

"He was..." She shook her head. "But—as if the situation wasn't worse enough. Adam goes on this speech about how we shouldn't be hiding, avoiding trouble. And that maybe, it's time that humanity began fearing us! The worst part is, the others agreed with him. Can you believe that?!"

Y/N hummed in agreeance, completely understanding.

"I don't know... when it comes to Adam, he wouldn't just make some grand speech, but after he killed those people, I feel like he wanted to. I know he's always hated humans, but what he said, it wasn't right—it didn't feel right."

Harshly clearing her throat, she continued in a quieter tone. "After that's all said and done, he looks at me, the same way he looked at those people before he killed them... You don't think... it's because of us, right?"

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now