Part 64

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Y/N sat in the dirt, thinking. His mind buzzed with a sequence to a puzzle he just couldn't quite solve.

He helped the magic into the dirt more than a couple dozen times, each in a different way.

His thought process was magic, everything he knew about it, its history, substance, and Sable's teachings.

"That's enough." Said woman sighed. "You were never going to get it on the first day anyway."

Y/N's glare he wore began to relax, and with it was his fists squeezing handfuls of dirt.

Letting the sand drop, Sable raised an eyebrow as its tan color was now crusted black and almost molten red.

"How did you do that?" She asked.

"It's..." Y/N paused, he wasn't exactly sure what it was. "Magic. A different form of it."

The woman leaned forward with interest. "Show me." She ordered.

Letting his hand raise, a flame was sparked and engulfed Y/N's entire hand.

Sable inspected the intense flame with narrowed eyes, its light burned hotter than any magic she had ever seen.

But there was also how erratic it was, it wasn't as calm and manageable as her own. It was hot enough to turn a fistful of sand into glass, and maybe even melt the strongest metals.

"Where did you learn this?" She asked.

"No one," Y/N said, extinguishing the magic with a fist. "I stole it."

Laurence, the First Vicar. A man who played a part in the downfall of Yharnam and the deaths of countless lives.

"His name was Laurence, a priest..."

The way Y/N spoke left Sable speechless, it was like he addressed his worst enemy as each vowel and pronunciation was seeped with hatred and anger.

"He thought a poison was divine, godly. He distributed it among the common folk as a medicine, when he really doomed us all."

Y/N let the arcane energy surge over his hand, doing so let the fire drop to the dirt in molten droplets.

"I killed him... tore him to pieces until his body was ash and so was his disgusting church."

Sable let her eyes wander, this tale was unheard of yet he burned the ground with the evidence.

"He played god, thinking he could bring back the ill despite all the warnings he was given... He was like Salem in a way." Y/N shook his head with a small snarl.

It was an event he didn't like to relive, Sable understood that more than anyone.

"I'm not sure if it's magic, I was told it was a primordial energy that no one could ever really understand. The ones who tried to control it before me went mad with the knowledge alone."

He took a deep breath and began to relax himself, his tensed shoulders dropped as he stood and sat atop a rock beside Sable.

"I heard there was more." Sable quietly added. "Mercenaries she sent after you were fried to a crisp, electrocuted."

Y/N dropped his gaze to his hand where bright sparks of electricity snapped in wild directions. It was potent and more than enough to stop someone's heart.

"Couldn't you do the same with Maidens?" Sable asked curiously. "Just... strip them of their powers."

"Maybe..." Y/N nodded, he blinked as he looked to her at the corner of his eyes. "For a moment I wanted to try... the Fall Maiden, she... well, she's a friend. But when I met her I-I wanted to kill her, just for a taste of what she had."

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now