Part 63

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Y/N had clicked open the heavy safe stored away in the closet, it was more of a table manner to store Sovereign than the security it provided.

Holding the weapon, he slid it from its beautiful sheath to expose its equally beautiful blade.

Flipping it in his hand, he held it by the dull metal above the hilt, said hilt was pointed to Sable.

Her brown eyes narrowed in disbelief, and most of all, suspicion. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Sovereign recognizes me, as a person and equal." He loosened his grip to reveal the ancient language underneath. "It's almost attuned to my soul, but even a fully realized Maiden can still wield it."

The tired woman gave him a weary glance, she knew everything there was to the sword, but as it turns out, there are cracks in the tale.

"Ozpin, my father, realized how dangerous that could be. The Maidens are too erratic, there was no telling who it could be next... However, the latent power within can still be used by you."

Still as curious as she previously was, Sable stared at the ancient weapon in wait.

"I need your help." The man murmured. "I'm making progress on my own but even then it would take years-decades for it to become symbiotic. You're the only one I know that can do this."

"Fight?" She muttered, showing a frightened expression in her eyes, fearing his answer.

"No, to teach me, show me how you handle your magic so well." He held the hilt in her direction in a silent offering.

"And how is this supposed to help me?" Sable asked, her voice hardening. "Seems one sided."

"I believe in change, I've seen the strongest warriors reduced to blood thirsty beasts, and I've seen the accursed return from madness. There's always room for change, even in people like you."

Dropping her gaze to the sword before him, Sable lifted a hesitant hand.

"You can help me, and I'll help you."

She didn't strike him as a kind and giving soul, it was more like a reining lion had begun to finally settle down and await death.

He needed her help, and in return he would help her. It was the right thing to do considering she had gotten four weeks into her decision.

Slowly, as she weighed the pros and cons to her decision, Sable set her hand on the hilt.

"Promise me." She said demandingly. "Promise that you'll kill that witch and her little entourage."

Her grip was solid, like Sovereign sat within yet another stone prison.

Y/N opened his mouth to speak, but the cold blooded woman cut him off.

"I won't expect anything less, they've been alive for far too long."

Letting his grip slacken and handing her Sovereign, Y/N gave a curt nod with a knowing look the assassin knew all too well.

"I promise..."

Sangria watched the handoff with a interested gaze, she couldn't weigh in on the matter due to it not being her decision, but the emotion Y/N displayed was fascinating.

No longer was he a man straying from the group as he silently battled his demons, he was an outstanding soul who wanted to crush his enemies while helping and giving to those who needed it the most.

The transition brought a small smile to her face, knowing he had already done the same with her.


RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now