Part 163

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"Have you... ever eaten squid?"

"Yes. Many times, in fact."

"Really?? W-what's it like?"

"Not as bad as you would think."

Deep in the northern region of Anima, Forest held a conversation with his new traveling companion, Prim. She was as curious as anyone was when encountering a Huntsman, yet, that was the problem, Forest wasn't one.

She assumed it was his chosen profession, and Forest had no problem living with the lie.

"I don't think I could do that..." Prim shuttered. "What with all their—suction cup thingys."

Prim was busy slotting new vials into her all terrain vehicle, purchase from a nearby general goods store.

The two found themselves in a bustling town, a very rowdy one at that.

She nodded her head in the beat of muffled music, the genre was rough and tumble, such as the bar it came from.

Normally, she would be on her guard in a place like this, but her new friend was menacing enough to scare away anyone looking for small talk or trouble.

"I admit... it is jarring when you eat them live."

"You eat them alive?!" Prim blanched.

"It's the chosen way, yes."

"Gross." She whispered as she shook her head.

Taking a long side glance at her companion, Prim couldn't really help but question his attire.

"So..." She drawled out, gaining his attention. "What's with the mask?"

Within the darkness of his mask, Prim saw a glimpse of his eyes. They were a color that was befitting of his name, a vibrant forest green.

"It's symbolic of my belief, my home."

His voice was calm, easing. Yet, Prim detected how empty it was, like it was a symbol of something he had no respect for.

"Yeah?" Prim grunted when setting aside a spare canister of Dust. "Where's home?"

"Mmm..." Forest crossed his arms and leaned on the metal of a post. "Home is... a far away land, it bears no name or culture."

"Do other people wear it?" She asked, pointing to her face.

"Many others." Forest nodded.

"And what about that?" She again pointed to her face, this time referring to the elegant mark of ink under his left eye.

"A mark of loyalty, respect. Sort of... an insignia of rank."

"Ohhh..." Prim nodded. "Can't say I've ever heard of it before, let alone seen it."

"We're a very secluded group."

"Could've fooled me." She gave a small laugh.

"Hmm." Forest gave a curt nod. "And what about you?"

"Me?" Prim snorted while checking the oil to her engine. "The same as you I guess... grew up in the middle of nowhere. No name and culture, just a bunch of people living their best lives. Not too far from where I met you, actually."

"Really..." Forest mulled her words over. He knew of nearby villages and towns, so he guessed that's where she was settled.

"Yeah, nothing too exciting."

Setting aside the final canister, Prim set her sights on an enticing image just across the street.

"Hey, you hungry?"

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now