Part 10

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Standing at the mountain's edge, Y/N stared out into a mess of jagged land blurred by heatwaves and mounds of sand.

He walked rather than taking a transport because he wanted to. It was easier on his soul when he wasn't burdened by the past.

His dress shoes clicked and crunched over rocks; his feet carried him forward without a skip in beat. He descended the mountain while the sun set; the freezing temperatures could not pierce his protective aura.

Staring into the night sky for a moment, he was lost in its entrancing view. Vale was heavily affected by light pollution, but where he stood, there was no soul for miles around.

He ignored the public roads and embraced the wilderness; the cactus he passed whistled in the wind, their tangy scent filled his nostrils; he liked it more than the dust lingering in the air.

Y/N never considered this land his home, but it had its ways of saying otherwise, from the calm visuals to its deafening silence.

The cold wind blew through his hair with a gentle touch similar to a caring lover. And the broken moon in the sky kept him company, lighting his way.

Unknown to the Hunter was his legend. It grew with a nourishing hand; through long-range communications, an excited voice described a man, a revenant, coming to the aid of others and vanishing with the wind that carried him.

The momentary stops Y/N had in small villages were met with open arms and loving hearts. They looked up to him with a sense of wonder and delight.

Children crowded around him, calling him a superhero. As much as Y/N hated to acknowledge it, he accepted their praise.

He restocked his supplies, took a moment to refresh, and once again disappeared.

The nights were spent walking or around a campfire, ignited by his power within him.

He had no company, not a peek or peep. All he had to hear were the voices that haunted him and Vacuo whispering into his deaf ears.

When he gazed into the fiery display before him, he saw nothing but the warm glow it provided.

His mind was muddled, in a haze. He couldn't sleep, so he thoroughly extinguished his fire and continued.

Any critter that crossed his path hid, confusing his eyes and demeanor for a predator. Packs of coyotes watched from a ridge, cautiously, unmoving.

When the sun rose, it was an entirely new but similar pattern; he found villages, towns, and settlements. They uttered his new name in awe and welcomed him with joy.

Coming upon a large plain of dried crust, he saw an oasis with a town settled within its treasured green glow.

Needing to stop for a quick break, Y/N pushed forward with indifference. He prepared for a guard or maybe a Hunter to greet him, yet none came.

It was until he caught a whiff of the air, although momentary, it was a smell he knew all too well.

It was rotten, putrid, and decaying. So strong it could even be detected outside the wooden buildings.

There was overwhelming death, enough to leave anyone grieving and forlorn or make their stomachs churn with discomfort and sickness.

Y/N felt a wave of drowsiness wash over him, voices whispered in his mind, uttering sweet nothings of rest and freedom.

His hand shook; overcome with emotions, Y/N felt a sudden need to sit and lie down.


A highly dangerous Grimm, though remote and rare, they were commonly dealt with from extreme ranges or exterminated with droids.

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