Part 97

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A monumental shift in emotion was detected; one held a wall while the other was lost in the army of Grimm.

The reeling beasts weren't sure how to react; it was a flip of the coin, a gamble that just may have worked out in humanity's favor.

"Where is he?!" Sienna asked, furrowing her brows and searching the horde.

"I-I don't know!" The recon exclaimed. "H-he's gone!"

"What are we gonna do now?"

"If we fire, we might hit him."

"Never mind that! They'll swarm us without him!"

Sienna grit her teeth; she allowed herself to look to his colleagues to seek some sort of approval for possibly killing their friend and most capable defender.

"Where is he?" Rhodes asked the sharpshooter.

"Gimme a minute..." April replied in a mutter, slowly scanning the Grimm.

"Must've said something to really piss him off." Qrow stated, with Vine nodding in agreement. "Half of em' don't even remember us now."

"Should we be worried?" Elm asked, staring down the valley. "I get who he is and all, but-that seems more than he can handle."

"It's hard to say," Clover said, clenching his fists and waiting for any sort of response. "He can handle himself, but... I've never seen him in this sort of situation."

"Whatever it is, we have to think fast." April told the group. "They're coming."

Despite roughly half their numbers splitting and charging the wall, they didn't anticipate who would be a part of it.

The older and tougher Grimm came barreling down the valley; knowing they couldn't possibly stand a chance against Y/N, they settled for the next best thing.

"We got one." Monroe muttered, flicking his cigarette away as a Nevermore shrieked overhead.

The defensive line flinched as a flurry of gunfire echoed over the mountains, and high-power ammunition zipped through the sky, peppering the airborne beast in the throat, killing it.

The mass of ashes was carried in the wind, but it left a dreadful reminder. The Grimm were coming, and they had yet to see a sign of Y/N.

"Remember what he said!" Clover shouted with a deep breath. "We're here to fight! We can worry later!"

Sienna sighed as she squared her shoulders; it was time, now while they were in range.

Holding a hand high in the air, she garnered their wall's attention, commanding a preparation.

Massive weapon batteries were aimed with their respective crews at the ready; Grimm were in their crosshairs, while April's jaw tightened, still searching for her friend.

Harriet took a long line of deep breaths, waiting, searching for any sign of Y/N while a fist squeezed the wall, nearly folding it like paper from her aura and mechanical weapon over her shoulders.

The Grimm were halfway through the valley, giving everyone ample time to see their ranks consisted of Alphas and experienced elders with thicker hides and armor.

Sienna kept her eyes narrowed, watching their activity. The moment they caught more than a few dozen Grimm scaling the adjacent mountains, she dropped her hand with a voice spread across the wall.


A mass of dust-infused ammunition was flung through the air, fired from high-power cannons and small arms within the line.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now