Part 148

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The moment Y/N set foot in Vale, he was cautious.

It wasn't just his need to be careful, no, there was also the things he had done, the crimes he committed in Vytal.

He wasn't sure how long a warrant would be on the back of everyone's mind, but considering recent events, he wasn't taking any chances, even with a mere security guard.

He strayed far from the public, even taking a sharp turn into an alley and climbing a fire escape to lose a possible tail.

As he stood atop a shop, he gazed out into the far distance, where a massive structure towered over the shallow sea he had just crossed.

It's been a while, but I'll be home soon.

A scrape of footsteps and a mad dash put him on full alert, the sound alone came from below, just at the dark entrance to the alleyway.

Works every time.

Y/N let out an annoyed huff and shook his head. He wasn't going to confront them, that would only bring trouble in this important and weakened time.

He took note of who they were before leaving, whoever it was, they were in a rush. And the way they were dressed indicated anything but an interview or autograph.

As the figure turned with an annoyed and frustrated groan, he could see them in a light, or rather, him.

"Don't move."

Y/N's eyes shut as he heard an unknown voice coming from behind. It was authoritative with a sprinkle of no nonsense to top it off. But above all else, they were young.

A shift of gravel he couldn't hear before had finally cut through. Whoever this person was, he didn't hear a peep from them.

With his form frozen, Y/N couldn't help but notice the woman from below.

What he thought was a Huntress or Assassin, was actually a projection, shimmering away with a buzz of a little device on the ground.

Said tool suddenly took flight, lifting off to come whirring by Y/N's face and to the unknown figure behind.

The little glimpse he caught of the device before disappearing was informative. Whoever they were, they weren't from Atlas, nor from anywhere profitable by the looks of the jury rigged hard light projector.

The unknown individual had caught the little contraption, and by the sounds of it, took hold of whatever weapon they held to him.

"Spread your arms, and turn around, slow."

Y/N complied, reaching his arms far out and away from any of his weapons. Next, the gravel crumbled beneath him as he slowly turned.

He pondered the thought of pulling a quick one and getting away, or using some sort of generic trick to get the jump on them, but the more he thought about it, the more ridiculous it sounded.

The last time he was confronted by authorities he got away, purely because of what was at risk. The only thing at risk now was a missed flight.

He really had no other choice than to comply, it's not like he was going to build a bigger record by assaulting a kid, nor was he going to kill them if they wanted his bounty. But he used that to his advantage.

Finally coming face to face with his tail, he held a most unnerving stare, a gaze only he could hold.

A girl, maybe in her late teens, held a shotgun to him, she was too far to miss, and too far for Y/N to even risk taking what she had loaded in it.

Internally, Y/N was relieved. This girl was old enough to be attending Beacon, maybe as a first or second year. And, she just so happened to be wearing her uniform. While externally, he remained still.

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