Part 104

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This entire situation felt surreal and too good to be true; Y/N even considered if it was another hallucination.

But even now, he felt that it wasn't. What he felt was real, the purest form of life.

All of that anger and vengeance he harbored was gone like it was never even there, or more importantly, it wasn't his feelings in the first place.

He couldn't find that anger when he saw Raven, nor that bloodthirsty itch when her back was turned, and he had his weapon in his hand.

This feeling was cathartic, relieving, and beautiful. He could finally move past that immeasurable grief and live with Sangria's memory.

Taking his thumb, he used it to rub that familiar ring, grounding him to the present as he chewed a sweet and juicy fruit.

"What is that?" Y/N asked, swallowing the unknown food.

"A star fruit." Glynda replied, feeding him another after stabbing the little delectable with a fork. "I hear they're only able to grow here in Menagerie."

Watching him chew with a nod, she smiled as he smacked his lips from the lingering aftertaste.

"How is it?" She asked.

"Good, kinda like an apple."

Taking a large bottle of water and removing the cap, she held it up to his lips, tapping them with a murmur. "Here."

Seeing the hesitance written all over his face, she gave him a deadpanned look.

Grimacing and accepting the drink, Y/N powered through and drank the cold refreshment.

"There," Glynda said, watching him cough and cringe. "Wasn't so bad, was it?"

"You're more than-" He coughed again. "-welcome to try it."

Sighing, she brought the bottle to her lips to immediately swung it down, nearly spilling it as it sloshed about.

Slapping a hand over her mouth, she inspected the bottle to see that what they drank wasn't any ordinary water; it was special water some faunus needed or preferred.

"Salt water?!" Glynda exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Wasn't so bad, was it?" Y/N said in a mocking tone.

Stifling a gag, she set aside the bottle with a visible shutter. "Why would she give you this?" She hissed.

"I don't know why she does half the things she does."

Taking another bottle from the bags, she was sure to read the label before opening it and giving it to Y/N.

A large collection of footsteps were heard on the other side of the thin walls, rushed and closing in.

"There goes our moment of peace." Glynda whispered just as the rubber flap was pushed open.

Qrow had given the good news, gathering everyone that had been waiting.

Elm was the first and most direct of the group, unwary of the sight of Glynda's as she approached. "There he is!"

She stood at his side, lowering her voice with a wide grin. "It's good to see you, sir... awake anyway."

"You too, Elm." Y/N huffed a small laugh and gave a stern nod.

"Did we interrupt lunch?" Clover asked, eyeing the bags.

"No," Glynda replied, gathering the bags and moving them. "I think that's enough for now."

Her husband couldn't agree more, especially as the strong taste of salt had yet to leave his mouth.

"How you feeling?" Robyn asked, narrowing her eyes to focus on the fading bruise over his throat.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now