Part 154

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Heather didn't know what to make of Y/N. In all honesty, she thought her earlier tactic would work, charming him with a bat of the eyelashes.

But when that didn't work, he points a gun at her, which in itself was more than enough to gun him down, not that it would work.

No, he was untouchable, with more than enough of an influence to kill her and get away with it.

Which begs the question: What was he doing here?

Initially, she got it all down to the dot. He had left with Ozpin, one can only guess to the academy, so, she waited on a school day to see if he returned after hearing about his pardon on the news.

And fortunately enough, here he was, in the flesh, and still with a gun pointed her way.

All Heather wanted to do was connect with her half-sister, now she was tangled in whatever business he was tending to.

"The station is just around the corner here." She said, sighing when he kept his eyes forward with the moving car.

He ignored her, which really told the detective that he wasn't prone to crack under any pressure.

"Where are we going?" She asked, letting her forehead touch the dashboard.

Again, he ignored her, which began to really worry her. If the common rumor was true, then he would be cleaning up a selected target with her at his side.

But a sudden change in speed piqued her interest.

Lifting her head, she began to scan her surroundings to see an isolated part of town, particularly beneath a towering mass of highways.

And there, settled beside one of the massive concrete pillars, was a single vendor with more than a dozen coming and going customers.

"Ramen?" Heather muttered.

Holstering his pistol, Y/N upped and left toward the stall, all owned by a senior man.

Heather couldn't help but watch in curiosity. How Y/N seamlessly integrated into the line was really a sight to behold.

Taking her hands off the hard plastic dashboard, Heather then proceeded to join him.

"Seems a bit early for ramen." She murmured his way.

The detective could only wonder what went through his mind as he stared off to his side, an occurrence that happened more than a few times.

She wondered if he was even mentally stable, seeing as he went from toting a gun to wanting breakfast in a flash of change.

"I like ramen." He finally replied with a sigh. The breath of air was like he felt sorry, or realized he did something wrong after being scolded.

"Ramens okay." She told him.

He merely grunted in reply, a little sound that was less hostile then before.

Eventually, they reached the front of the line with everyone minding their business on the way.

When approached, the owner seemed to recognize Y/N, but not in the sense of his infamy, but from nostalgia.

"How's it going, old timer?" Y/N greeted with a small smile.

"Y/N." The man muttered with an aged voice. "You're back?"

"You don't watch a lot of news, do you?"

"Mmm." He waved a dismissive hand. "A lot of things that aren't my problem."

"Fair enough." Y/N sighed. "I'll take a bowl, egg and ham."

"Mmm." He nodded and got to work at a surprising speed, producing a fresh bowl in no time at all. "What are you doing here?"

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara