Part 192

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"You did something recently... what did you do?"

Maya fixed Y/N with an intense stare paired with her ears folding back. She was a doctor, of course she knew something was up.

"You get all that from the results?" Y/N asked sarcastically.

"Yes, my papers." She deadpanned. "They're a magic 8-ball."

Handing him the results to his physical, she also poked his exposed stomach.

"Scars just don't disappear, Y/N." She murmured. "What happened?"

"It's a long story." He muttered as he scanned over the results.

"Maybe not long enough for Mrs. L/N?"

"She already knows." He replied.

"Does she?" Maya's brows raised.

"Yeah... chewed me out, but that's about it."

"And Sienna?" She again poked him, this time on his shoulder where a line of scars once were. "I'm no fool, Y/N. I know what used to be there."

"She chewed me out, too." He shrugged. "But I got all that sorted."

"Then I'll ask them."

"Relax." Y/N sighed with an outstretched hand. "It's nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure?" She removed her reading glasses with one of her ears twitching.

He nodded, gaining her ire.

"Y/N... you once told me that you didn't want to live forever..." She then poked his head, referring to his healthy head of pure (Hair Color) hair. "How do you explain all of this?"

"I found some more of that blood I told you about."

She immediately shook her head with a frown. "No. I double checked your results, there's nothing-"

"And it's nothing." Y/N gestured to the papers. "I guess you could say that I had a... top off."

His abdomen was rock hard from the denser muscle tissue underneath, and she could see that he gained twenty or so pounds since his last visit.

Everything about him, it screamed healthy, but not youthful.

"Final notes?" He asked, dropping down from the hospital bed.

"Patient has a hard head." She muttered with an annoyed glare. "It's incurable."

"There was a time you were about to follow me through Shady Springs for an examination." He said with a small half smile.

"That's not the same thing!" She exclaimed, brushing off his appreciative shoulder pat.

As he slipped out the door, she heard him say. "Yes it is!"


"I've got a good feeling about today."

Harriet fixed Y/N with a dry stare. He may not see it as she tightened his mask, but he felt it.

"Yeah?" She replied, securing the piece of equipment. "Why's that?"

"You don't sound too excited for a challenge."

"Really?" She chuckled, now allowing him to fix her mask.

"I think I've got it in me today."

She reached up to run her fingers through his hair, to either encourage him or agree with him. Either way, she was confident in him after the week or so that he was gone.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now