Part 72

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"When would you say is the last time you were here?"

"Last time? Darlin', there isn't enough money in the world to have me visit this place."

Y/N chuckled with a shake of his head; he didn't know if he should have felt flattered or not.

"That's a compliment." Sangria said, slapping his arm with the back of her hand.

"I can tell." Y/N replied dryly.

The Ex-Ranger scoffed with a small roll of her eyes. The two lovers stood in wait at the floor gave a hardy thump in return.

Before them, a set of Bullhead doors opened, hissing as its hydraulics worked and brought in a cold draft.

The pushing wind had Sangria flick her hat back, letting it rest on her rifle as a folded loop of leather settled at her throat.

Stepping off the Bullhead with a mass of other travelers, mostly returning soldiers and researchers, they paused as Sangria got a good look around.

They were near the peak of Atlas Academy; it gave more than enough of a view for the out-of-place couple.

"The old man couldn't stand this place." Sangria murmured, referring to Monroe. "Always told us we could have the same experience at a casino."

"It's not as bad as you think." Y/N replied soothingly. "I had my doubts at first, but they're good people."

"Yeah?" She said with a deadpanned expression. "What about down there?"

She flicked her head to the lower levels of Atlas, where Y/N's nose was constantly filled with expensive perfume.

"That's-" He grinned with a small laugh. "Too rich for my blood."

With Y/N's special status, scroll, and well-known deeds, the two didn't need a visitors pass, neither was Sangria's rifle seized.

Y/N took a long path of hallways that he had memorized throughout his many visits inside the academy.

Stopping before a set of wooden doors, Y/N knocked and awaited a reply.

"Come in!" A muffled voice yelled.

Sangria narrowed her eyes in a questioning manner as she heard the voice.

She didn't have time to ask as Y/N clicked the heavy doorknob and walked right in.

Closing the door behind herself, Sangria was left to admire the coziness of the room they were in.

"You must be the special lady I've heard so much about."

Like a deer in headlights, Sangria stood frozen as an older woman approached with a knowing smile.

Looking to Y/N for support, she only saw him digging in his pack, removing various containers of snacks and trinkets.

Left to face the unknown woman alone, Sangria put on her most welcoming smile and equal demeanor.

"Uhh, hello." She greeted with a pinch of awkwardness as she offered her hand in a handshake.

Y/N held an amused smile as he finished unpacking. They were a small collection of items he brought from home; the most important of all rested in a small flower pot.

Resting in a small bed of special soil, dirt, and rock was an equally small cactus.

Y/N was sure to be extra careful with the prickly plant when he set it down. He knew how hard it was for a plant like this to grow in the first place.

Sangria, on the other hand, was finding it hard to believe how strong this woman was. Fria's grip was solid, leaving Sangria's wrist rattling from her shake.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now