Part 155

349 25 11

The air was gray, filled with as much melancholy as it was with the winter cold.

In the industrial district, Y/N stood to watch and silently pay his respects to an ongoing candlelight vigil, held for a little girl no older than Taiyang's girls.

What made it worse was the police officers stationed nearby, all armed to the teeth with watchful eyes, some of them even settling on Y/N with worry and just a little bit of hope.

"A little girl..." Ludwig murmured.

It's as bad as Gideon said.

The phantom sighed, but the passing of breath sounded more like a growl when he caught eye of a weeping father, alone.

"You have a plan." He stated eagerly.

I do.

Y/N wasn't going to risk a head on assault, not in his condition. But what his arm lacked in comparison to his stomach was the pain, making it perfectly fit for some shooting.

As he left the vigil and continued on his path, he could feel the atmosphere worsening.

Gideon was right to make this call, because who knew what could happen tomorrow, maybe someone's daughter would be killed, sparking a powder keg that was sure to attract Grimm.

It wasn't an easy choice Y/N imagined, especially for someone so pure as Gideon. But at the end of the day, it would make everyone happy.

But as pure as the politician was, he was just as cunning as a general. He planned something almost diabolical in nature, if it weren't for his victims that is.

Not far from the solemn scene was a bakery, a little establishment that was innocent to the naked eye, but hid dark secrets beneath.

Pushing a brightly painted door open, Y/N was greeted by a man behind the counter and a ringing bell above.

"Uhh, hey." A younger man almost stammered. "What can I help you with?"

Flicking his head to the door, Y/N spoke to him demandingly while pulling his shotgun free.


"Yes sir." The clerk ducked his head with a murmur before making a run for it.

Behind the desk full of pastries was the kitchen, and at the very back was a reinforced door made of pure steel. A clear indicator of what was to come.

Rolling his shoulders and rubbing his stomach, he began to mentally prepare himself, not just for the fight ahead but for the door as well.

Standing close, he knocked on the metal's outer frame to find the sturdiest part, specifically, where the latch would be.

In the center left he found it, where his sensitive ears caught the tiniest of vibration on the other side.

Clenching his fist and squaring his hips, he then reeled it back, coating it in his aura that was heightened in efficiency and power when glowing with dust threads.

"They know you're coming." Ludwig whispered, referring to a camera in the corner ceiling.

I know.

Throwing host fist forward, he dented the metal, nearly in the shape of his fist. A perfect indentation that popped the latch clean off.

On the other end a man received a face full of metal, throwing him back and leaving him in a daze on the floor.

Shouldering his shotgun, Y/N instantly pulled the trigger, penetrating the downed man's aura and opening a fist sized hole in his chest.

A bullet from down a hall hit Y/N's shoulder, while few more whizzed clean by his face.

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