Part 26

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In a rush, Y/N forcefully stuffed the parachute's heavy fabric back into it's little compartment, it didn't need to be perfect, only suitable for a possible reuse.

"We have to hurry." He said, turning to Saphron who lied face down in a plain of grass. "Once they find what's in there, Atlas may announce a city wide lockdown."

Her groans of protest muffled by the dirt beneath her, Saphron eventually stood on shaky legs.

"I think--I should've chanced a train instead." She muttered to herself.

Emerging from a treeline, the duo walked on a lone road heading straight for Argus' massive walls.


Turning to Saphron, Y/N saw her eyes wide in wonder, obviously from the impressive city itself.

"You've never been here before?" Y/N asked, curious of the answer himself.

"Definitely not." She said with a laugh. "I've never even been outside of Vacuo!"

That's explains alot.

"What about you?" Saphron asked, she noticed his questioning gaze and continued. "Have you been here before?"

"A couple times." Y/N mulled the question over for a few seconds. "Last time was a few years ago, a maintenance team on the wall needed a small escort."

The road they took soon converged into a main point of travel, holding small traders and travelers overall.

"There's alot of people." Saphron muttered, she noticed the majority of them gave a wide berth of caution.

"It's the only point of trade for most people out here." Y/N waved an arm, gesturing to a wide variety of citizens they walked alongside. "Those in Vacuo have that certain grit to survive, but here? It's just not possible without some kind of assistance. A constant cold means you need a constant fire, and in the forests there's Grimm. It's a never ending loop for northern Anima, I'd honestly prefer the cold over the heat, if the Grimm weren't a persistent threat."

"There must be a solid demand for Hunters out here." Saphron added.

"That's Atlas' domain now." Y/N said, seeing the distant droids that guarded the gate to Argus. "This may be Anima, but their word is law around here."

"Don't Hunters outrank the military?"

"Only in strength and ability," Y/N said. "most of the time a Specialist will come along and be both. A little loophole they bounced around."

"Sounds like you don't like them much."

Huffing with a small laugh, Y/N spoke from experience. "When you're in that business long enough, you begin to dislike all of them. Huntsman, Huntress. They're too free. They teach you how to kill and they pat you on the back once you leave, there's nothing bounding them to kingdoms or to keeping their vows, therefore, most of them turn to crime and extortion, or in my experience, a mercenary or assassin. You already know about my opinion on Rangers..."

Humming to herself in thought, Saphron then asked. "What about the military?"

"Atlas. Where the Hunters fail in control the military succeeds." Y/N ran a gloved hand through his hair, as he spoke. "But too much control is also bad. They took the freewill Hunters have, making them rigid, it can be dangerous to blindly follow orders and have some else think for you. That's only bound to create conflict and possibly chaos. It gives them the illusion of control, that what they say is written in stone and that they're entitled to know everything. Take a look at a joint operation and a Specialist is guaranteed to take the reigns by force."

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora