Part 52

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"Log entry number two... I was fortunate enough to get a second look at The Revenant, he... he seems just as curious as me when it comes to his biology."

Holding her scroll a perfect distance from her face, Maya gazed up at a bulletin board, dotted with written findings and first hand accounts that were no longer legends.

She continued her log with a stern tone filled with a growing excitement.

"Yes, I said it. Biology. Meaning everything he can and has displayed to do is down to complete facts."

An impeccable diagram of Y/N's body was in the center of it all, showing everything, from his skeletal frame to his nervous system lining his muscle tissue.

"This finding is...i-it's startling to my scientific beliefs."

Following a thin red thread connected to the graph, she started from what she called, underneath the hood.

"He weighs an astounding 317 pounds! T-that's 143 kilograms for my fellow Atlesians..."

Narrowing her eyes with her canine ears flicking, Maya continued.

"The weight distribution across his entire body is--is just wrong! His physical condition is - as I said - at it's peak! He has fully matured, yet despite his build he's--somehow the weight he is! And I figured it out!"

Pinching a page of the diagram, she lifted them to show they were translucent, each one showing a different field on his body.

"When muscle tissue tears... say, when one is to indulge in athletic lifting, our body responds to repair that tissue, this increases it's mass, making it even stronger! The Revenant shows signs of this, obviously due to his stature, but a small sample of his muscle tissue blew anything logical out of the water..."

Dropping the page, Maya took a seat in her favorite chair, while held between her fingers was a pen. She tapped it against her desk no more than three times before flipping it and repeating the process.

"The fibers display no strain with additional weight, it only means two conclusions. One. The fibers are denser than any human or faunus ever recorded. It keeps his physical appearance at it's peaks while also allowing him to lift and crush anything even physically possible... All without his aura."

Her ears folding back, the doctor cleared her throat with a shake of her head.

"Two... we as a species produce acids in our body, which medically speaking, translates into joint and muscle fatigue. Sure, the body can be trained to stave off this affect for extended periods of time. The Revenant however, does not abide by these rules. His body produces these acids at an incredibly low rate, thus leading to less strain on his body."

Her deep blue eyes led to a small written account, his long run through the scorching desert.

"This would explain his heroic actions, sprinting with a full grown man on his shoulders through the desert. But it seems his body even has it's limits... I suspect he fought through his body tearing apart then regenerating with willpower alone! This only suggests he needs ample time to - what I would say - recharge. Copious amounts of calories, rehydration and rest has already been documented by him. Solidifying my hunch."

Laying a hand on her forehead, she sighed with her eyes shut.

"I couldn't get a proper sample of his bones. My tools would cause more pain than results... It's a hindrance, that's for sure, but I'll take it over unintentional torture any day... It's only logical that his bones share a similarity with his muscle tissue. They're denser and stronger..."

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora