My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 52

Start from the beginning

"Yes Alpha, and Female Alpha!" they responded.

"You guys can do whatever you usually do just be careful. We don't want the rouges to get you." Alex said, like a mother.

I'm guessing that Andrew, Josh, Bells, Olive, Brendan, Oscar, Jack, and Zane told everyone about the rouges threat, because they all nodded, in understanding.

"Ok, we're leaving now. When we come back, you all better be in bed. Got it?" I told them.

They whined and complained, saying they didn't want to and all that jazz. I was about to shut them up when Alex beat me to the punch.

"Guys, please! Can we go out one night without anything going wrong, please?" Alex pleaded with the pack.

That shut them up, easily. They immediately stopped whining and agreed.

"Ok, now we're going. See you guys tomorrow." I said, grabbing Alex's hand and walking to the door.

We made it outside, and we went to my car. Alex got into the passenger side and I got into the drivers side. We sat in content silence for a while, but I could Alex was a little nervous.

"Alex, relax. It's our night out. We're going to enjoy it!!!" I tell her.

She smiles, nervously. Something's bothering her, my bond with her tells me.

"Alex, sweetie, what's wrong?" I ask her.

"I have a feeling something's going to go wrong." she says, looking down at her hands in her lap.

Not good! She said she was always right. That if she thought something bad was going to happen it was going to happen.

"Alex, don't think like that. It's our first date, let's relax and chill for a while." I tell her.

We pull into the parking lot of The Cheesecake Factory. I got out of the car, and opened Alex's door for her. I held my hand out of her, like a gentleman. She looked surprised, but she took my hand anyway. I led her inside.

"Do you have a reservation?" the guy working at the desk asked.

"Yes, Green." I told him.

I had booked a private area for me and Alex, so we could talk about what we want, without having to worry about anything. We got a booth in the corner, there were no people around it and it was perfect.

Alex sat down, and I was about to sit across from her, when she tugged me to her. Surprised, at her sudden willingness to be closer, I sat down next to her.

A waiter came up, and asked for our orders. I noticed he was mostly looking at Alex, but not the face. I growled, protectively. He and Alex were both startled.

"Don't look at my girlfriend, like that! Next time I see you looking at her in a wrong way, I'll beat the pulp out of you. Got it?" I told him, standing up.

The waiter, who looked so scared, nodded, and left. Alex, who looked surprised, tugged me back into my seat. I put my arm around her, and she blushed on contact, but leaned into me anyway.

"You shouldn't have done that, Alec." Alex scolds, gently.

"He was staring at you, and not even your face!!!" I exclaim.

She sighs, but says nothing, so I change the subject, to lighter topics of enjoyment.

We talked about lots of things. Anything and everything we could think of.

"Favorite color?" she asked.

"Green, as in my last name. What about you?" I told and asked.

"Black." she answered simply.

I frowned at that, and when her expression turned curious and she tilted her head, I shook my head, to tell her it was nothing. We talked and laughed, I played with her a little, while she blushed, scarlet. It was easy to make her blush and smile, and it made me smile.

I started thinking about our kids. I know its a little early for that but I couldn't help it. Alex would make a great mom, since she's so good kids it shouldn't be a problem. I know our daughter will look something like Suzy and our son will look a little like Andrew. They're gonna be amazing!!!

"What are you thinking about?" Alex asked, breaking me away from my thoughts.

We still hadn't gotten our orders, but we had appetizers and drinks.

"Our kids." I answered, directly.

This surprised her, as she looked down, embarrassed. I guess that wasn't what she thought I was gonna say. I lifted her chin up, to face me, but she still wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"Alex look at me." I commanded her, but not demandingly, more softly.

She looked into my eyes and I looked back, with a soft gaze.

"You don't want kids?" I asked, softly.

"'s not that I don''s just...I don't know!" she said in frustration.

I let go of my hold on her chin, and leaned forward, really close to her, and her breathing increased.

"It's ok if you don't. I'll be happy with whatever decision you make." I told her, leaning a little bit closer.

"Well it's not that I don't want to..." she started but stopped herself.

"Yea?" I prompted, leaning even closer.

Her lips were an inch away, and she leaned closer too, wanting a kiss. I closed the distance between us, softly kissing her. This wasn't a soft kiss tho, this was a passionate one, a hungry one, a breath taking one. I cupped her cheek in my hand, as she wrapped her arms around my neck, scooting closer. I pulled her closer, by wrapping my arms around her waist. I licked her bottom lips, slowly, and hungrily. She moaned in pleasure, and opened her mouth. I was about to slip in and explore her mouth, but someone cleared there throat, stopping our *cough cough* make out session.

It was that boy, the one that was staring at Alex. He set down our food and quickly scurried away, like a rat.

So far our evening is turning out great!!!! (note the sarcasm)


ok guys!!! A new chapter!!!! Sorry it took so long :(

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