one hundred eight

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derek sat in a doctors lounge training his injured arm with a ball when richard entered the room.

"just wanted to let you know, we're all set for tonight. unless you have some questions or concerns." richard says trying to sound as sympathy as possible.

"i don't." derek simply replies looking at the floor.

"okay. um... five o'clock." he reminds him.

then richards lefts the room while derek's pager beeped.


callie stood in the e.r looking at a computer when a nurse watch her with pity eyes.

"okay, what did i say about the staring?" she asks the nurse in annoyence. "i'm fine, and even if i weren't, staring at me wouldn't make me more fine."

"i'm sorry, dr.torres." the nurse apologized before walking away.

callie watched her as she noticed jackson watching her too.

"really, avery? you too?" callie asks raising her brows.

"no, not staring. uh, definitely not." jackson excused himself walking away.

"okay, what do we got?" derek asks callie as he walked upnto her.

"hey, you tell me. looks like a transverse process fracture at l-3, l-4 but see this swelling?" callie asks the neurosurgeon as they looked at the image. "i can't tell if it's unstable or not."

"it's unstable for sure." derek assures her. "book an o.r. we need to get in there and relieve the pressure as soon as possible."

"wait we?" callie asks looking at him. "as in you and me?"

"it's no big deal." he shrugs.

"actually, it is. it's, it's a very big deal." callie nervously chuckles.

"i've been cleared for surgery for weeks." derek furrows his brows.

he needs to be in the o.r again. especially today.

"yeah, i know, 'cause i cleared you, but you said you weren't ready." callie reminds him.

"well, now i'm saying i am." derek retorts.

"wow. okay." callie smiles.

"again, it's no big deal." then he walked away.


"i mean, he says he's ready. and his nerve graft seems to be ready. so i guess today's the day he's gonna operate..." callie tells gwen.

but gwen didn't answer. she had a tube down her throat and was unconscious. the only sound to be heard was the monitor beeping rhythmically.

"with his brand-new hand." callie adds holding her best friends hand. "and it is gonna work. it's definitely gonna work. you think's gonna work, right?"

"i thought i might found you in here." mark says entering the room with derek.

"i keep thinking if i say something big enough or... shocking enough, she'll just, she'll just open her eyes." callie says near the tears.

mark nodded holding his wife warm hand.

"seven hours till 5 o'clock." callie sighs looking at the watch on the wall behind derek.

"her directive was very specific." derek reminds them. "if, after 30 days, there are no signs of recovery, gwen wanted to let go. that's all we're doing... honoring her wish."

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