eighty two

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gwen and mark sit next two each other on the bed looking at a pregnancy test in gwen's hand.

not pregnant.

"well, i am going to get ready for work." gwen sighs.

"next time." mark assures kissing her forehead.

"it's not gonna work." gwen shoke her head. "a baby doesn't want to set up shop in a hostile uterus."

"it's gonna happen." mark assures her. "we just have to keep doing it until we get it right. right?"

"right." gwen nod kissing him.

then gwen stood up walking to the guest room.

"callie! come on! let's go!" gwen shouts knocking on the door.

"coming." callie shouts back.

then the three walked out of the apartment to see arizona standing in the hall with furniture packers bringing stuff in the opposite apartment.

"what the hell?" callie asks her ex.

"oh, good morning!" the blond smiles at the three.

"what are you doing here?" callie asks her more serious.

"i bought out our subletters. i'm moving back in. hooray!" arizona explains them.

"okay. they weren't your subletters. they were my subletters." callie corrects her annyoed while gwen and mark just stood silent.

"well, now i'm your subletter." arizona tells callie. "hooray?"

"my lack of interest in seeing you is not a strategy." callie says sternly walking closer to arizona. "i'm not playing hard to get. i don't want to see you because i turned my life upside down for you, and you walked away because for a week, i was cranky. you're untrustworthy. you're self-centred, so i don't want see you. i am 100 per cent certain that if i let you back into my life again, you will hurt me again. so i don't want to see you. this isn't a ploy. i'm not pouting. i don't want you in my life!" callie yells. "get your crap out of my apartment."

then callie walks away leaving only gwen, mark and arizona.

gwen narrowed her eyes at arizona. she hated her for leaving callie like this.

"it's good that she's mad. it means she cares, right?" arizona asks the couple.

gwen just tilted her head before she walks away to follow callie.


gwen and callie walked besides each other. gwen just told callie about the negative pregnancy test.

"try again. could be false negative." callie suggests.

"yeah." gwen nods.

"pee on a bunch of different sticks. don't let the one stick win." callie says.

"it's a scientific test." gwen reminds her. "i hardly think i can bend it to my will."

"i'm doing three surgeries today, did four yesterday. i'm unstoppable. and you got defeated by a piece of plastic covered in urine?" callie asks. "buck up."


gwen and arizona walked together with mark and the residents out of the elevator down the hall.

"i mean, i get it. she's got a hang-up about me being perfect." arizona tells them making a lot of handmoves. "everything comes easy for me, and i don't have any flaws. now that i've clearly made a mistake, she's gonna pound the crap out of it."

"so you don't think your perfect?" gwen asks while mark chuckles.

"no. i have lots of flaws." arizona says. "i'm competitive. i'm a workaholic. i smoke when i'm stressed. it's disgusting."

"sure she'd love to hear all those. along with any other real faults you come up with." gwen says before walking away to her patients.


after her surgery gwen sat in the cafeteria with callie sighing as she stabbed in her salad.

"no plus sign yet?" callie asks.

"no. and i'm so tired of peeing on sticks. it's exhausting." gwen sighs.

"okay, you think peeing is exhausting? wait till you have a mewling, poo-covered infant hanging off if your boobs 24/7." callie says annoyed.

"why is my baby gonna be poo-covered?" gwen asks.

"sorry, it's just... arizona drives me crazy. she's making me exhausted." callie tells her.

then suddenly arizona walks up to them making callie sigh loud.

"hey, i know i'm not perfect." arizona blurts making the two looking at her. "i know sometimes i don't listen. and i'm sorry about that. so here i am, ready to listen."

"you're ready to listen." callie scoffs.

"like a priest at confession." arizona smiles.

"you wanna hear what i'm saying, and really take it in? and try to give me what i want?" callie asks.

"yeah. i really... i really do." arizona assures her.

"get your crap out of my apartment." callie says making arizona walk away. " see? that's exhausting."


after another surgery gwen stood in at a nurses station filling out a chart when arizona walked up to her.

"i don't know. okay?" arizona blurts making gwen look at her. "i don't know what my worst faults are. i try not to think about them. i'm not proud of that. so just tell me, gwenny. what the hell do i have to cop to, to make her give me another chance?"

"you bail." gwen says looking at her chart again. "when thing's get hard, you bail. remember back then when we had our fling? it was too hard for you to fight against mark. you bailed. i'm not saying that i regret being with mark. i don't regret it one second. but the feeling of you just letting me go hurted. mark is like africa. you took them as a chance to bail."

then gwen walked away leaving arizona watching her.


"so i peed on ten sticks today." gwen tells mark later that evening at home.

"ten?" mark asks taking off his shirt.

"and i stole them from the clinic because they're 15$ at the store." gwen says already lying in bed putting on some hand cream.

"so you're a thief, is that what you're telling me?" mark asks taking of his watch.

"a barren thief." gwen nods.

gwen sighs lying on her side to look at mark.

"look, it takes time getting pregnant." mark says getting in the bed.

"not for some people. some people hit it on the first try." gwen tells him as she laid her head on his chest.

"those people are overachievers." mark assures her.

"i am an overachiever." gwen sighs. "that's the whole thing. i spent my whole day peeing on sticks and helping callie with arizona, so i'm not overachieving at anything. i used to be hardcore. now, i'm soft-core."

"did we just start talking about porn?" mark smirks brushing through her hair.

"stop it, i'm upset." gwen slapped his chest lightly.

"you're just upset because we haven't made a baby. and i say practice makes perfect." mark smirks turning them over so he was on top of her making gwen giggle loudly.

"i love you mark sloan." gwen smiles.

"i love you too." mark says kissing her.

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