thirty seven

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gwen was sitting next to mark in the lecture hall. the chief wants to hold a speach about the new rules at the hospital.

arizona approached them sitting herself next to gwen. "hey, you hear anything about what the new rules are?" she asks them.

mark turned to her. "last i heard you were at hand-holding, foot rubs, and lots of late-night gab sessions."

"mark." gwen gasped.

"excuse me?" arizona asked shocked.

"oh, you're talking about the chief's new rules." mark realizes. "i thought you were referring on you and gwen."

"listen up, everyone." richard said from were he stood on the stage. "we're busy people, i'm gonna try and be brief. i am implementing a new teaching protocol here at seattle grace. some of the rules are new, and some are old and are going to be newly enforced. first, second and third-year residents will no longer be allowed to de facto specialize. the practice interferes with the development of a fully-rounded surgical education. personal relationships, personal loyalties and personal favorites will no longer be a factor in our training program. attendings, you will spread your wealth of knowledge equally among all of the residents. in addition, we'll refocus our attention on patient communication and beside manner. for some of us, this means learning the lost art of humanity and compassion. for other, this means learning how to treat patients without becoming emotionally involved with them. this is a surgical program. psychiatry is on the fifth floor. let's not confuse the two. in addition, residents, your interns reflect on you. if they fail, you fail. if they succeed, you succeed. attendings, that goes for resindents as well. teach with enthusiasm. learn with enthusiasm. we are surgeons. we cut out malignancies. let's start at home, people."


"jack o'brien, 47. scheduled for an abdominal aortic aneurysm repair." cristina presents to gwen, webber and the rest of the residents. "his last ct showed calcification. so i ordered a ct angio to determine if it had worsened or remained stable." she hands gwen the chart.

"nice catch yang." gwen compliments her. "you can take him down after rounds."

"dr.karev will take over." richard interjects while stepping forward putting a hand on alex's shoulder. "dr.yang, you're done here. thank you."


"we have a problem." arizona says as she walks with gwen down the hall. "mark sloan has found us out."

"mark's known from the beginning. i told him." gwen shrugges.

"he's mark sloan." she shakes her head.

"you don't have a person you talk to about things?" gwen asks arizona confused.

"you are the person i talk to about things." arizona explaines her. "and i like to keep my private life private from everyone, but most definitely from mark sloan."

after that arizona walked away.


a little while later gwen sat in the attendings lounge eating grapes when arizona entered it. arizona sat next to gwen smiling.

"look, we don't even know what we are yet. so how does mark sloan know?" arizona asks gwen. "why are you talking to him instead of me."

gwen was about to answer when mark entered the room.

"ladies." he greets them like usual. when both woman stood silence he looked at them. "am i interrupting?"

"your timing is perfect." arizona says sarcastic to him.

"really? were you about to feel her up?" he asks smirking.

arizona just scoffed before leaving the room. gwen eyed mark sternly as he drank his coffee.

"stop. you have to stop." gwen tells him grabbing another grape.

"i can't." he chuckles.

"seriously, she hates it."

"that's why i can't." mark says still chuckling. gwen just throw a grape at him. "don't... you want me to spank you?" but gwen throw another one just harder.

"ok?" gwen asks as he dodged the grape.


"you can open that retractor up more if you want to get a better look." gwen advises alex as they operated on mr.o'brien. "just make sure you keep the small bowel inside. i want to avoid a post-op ileus."

"we better. he think's there's a dark cloud following him around." alex tells her.

"that sounds overly dramatic." gwen chuckles. "what's that?" gwen asked as she feels a raindrop on her forehead. "what's...?"

"what the hell?" alex questioned as well.

bailey who sat on the gallery tried to warn them on the crack in the ceiling. but gwen and alex didn't understand her and suddenly the ceiling came down. the doctors tried to protect the patient from water and dirt by leaning over the patient. when nothing came down anymore gwen and alex stood up.

"is everyone ok? how's our patient?" gwen asks the anesthesiologist.

"he's stable. vitals holding stable." he answers.

"irrigation, please." gwen says to alex.

"how can i help?" bailey asks as she runs into the o.r.

"find the chief, tell him what happened. god, we need a new o.r." gwen tells her.

"he shut down the other o.r's except for this one and dr.sloan's." a nurse informs gwen.

"ok. karev, go to sloan. he just got started, maybe he can close." gwen instructs alex. "all right, i need everybody's help. get ready to move mr.o'brien."

"what do i tell sloan?" alex asks.

"tell him the damn sky is falling!" gwen shouts.


"anybody see any more damage?" gwen asks as she, mark, derek and alex operated on mr.o'brien in an other o.r. "any bleeding?"

"no bleeding." derek replies. "i cleared the lower left quadrant."

"give me the pulse irrigator." mark asks the nurse.

"dr.shepherd, take a look at that right here." alex tells gwen. "the pancreas. is that damage from the debris?"

"no." gwen responds. "no. that's a tumor."

"oh, son of a bitch." alex curses looking at her.


after a long shift arizona and gwen were sitting at joe's drinking wine.

"i get that you're a privat person, but i am not." gwen tells arizona. "i process my stuff out loud. and i gave up to much of myself in my relationship. i can't give up pieces of myself again. and mark is my friend. and ex-boyfriend."

arizona smirked at her while leaning forward. "i think i just hate him because he's seen you naked."

gwen laughed at her while arizona still smirked.

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