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"she just thought about it, what she would do. you know, what the dream would be if she couldn't have her dream." gwen tells naomi in the practice lobby the next day.

gwen felt bad for telling addie such a terrible information.

"empty office." naomi said still trying to get gwen working here again.

gwen looked at her. "i thought we were going to lunch. why are we still sitting here?"

"we're doing what i do when i get depressed. just wait." naomi tells her. gwen sighs. "what time do you have?" naomi asks while looking at her watch.

"it's five to one." gwen respond. "she looked so sad and disappointed. she was actually a little bit angry at me-"

she got interrupted by violet.

"what time do you have?" she asks as she sat down next to naomi.

"five to one." naomi replied still looking at her watch.

"you peolpe are obsessed with time." gwen states.

she didn't understand what happened until violet says "here he comes." suddenly she and naomi pretend to do something.

gwen looked to her right to see dell, the receptionist, walking by naked with a surfboard in his hands.

he looked at the three woman.

"hi, dell." naomi greets him.

violet bits her lip while watching him, naomi mouth was agape while gwen just sat there confused.

was she the only one who didn't find dell attractive? i mean, he wasn't even as trained as mark.

"have a nice... surf." violet says.

"i'll see you guys after lunch?" he asks.

gwen waved him goodbye and when he was out of sight she started to laugh loud.

"you two should be ashamed of yourselves." gwen tells the two.

"admit it. you feel better." violet says. "and if not, there's another showing in an hour. and it's wet."


"there you are." pete says from behind gwen when he found her in the empty office. "just wanted to check if your ok. how you are doing with naomi and addison." but then he hears her sniffing. "you ok?" he asks.

"yeah, i just, i... i had a little too much drama the last days, but i'm good." she assures him.

"you look good." he compliments her. "you look... beautiful. sam always told me away from you because your my colleague and naomi's friend."

gwen looked at him with shocked. she hadn't expect that from him.

"stop it." gwen just said.


"you're flirting." she answers.

"what's wrong with flirting?" he asks.

"what's wrong with it? what's wrong? what's wrong is that you're my friend and that i don't have time for it." she said and stood up but he grabbed her waist and pulled her to him. "what are you doing?"

"i'm going to kiss you. i'm going to kiss you with tounge." he says wich shocked her. "i'm going to kiss you so you feel it. ok?"

"ok." gwen said still shock.

then pete smashed his lips on hers. he was right about the tongue. he used his in rhythm with hers. it was a great kiss. and a long one. she put her hands around his neck. she never thought about kissing pete. they always been friends when she worked here.

the kiss was great wich made gwen guilty because she's in love with mark.

"why did you do that?" gwen asks once they pulled apart.

"to remind you that your not just your a friend." he answeres and walks away but he stopped one more time. "if you need me to remind you again. let me know."

she smiled nervous. she felt guilty as f*ck.


"i always thought la is like new york, but with a beach." gwen told sam and pete as they sat in a bar.

"why do you think we moved?" pete questioned while smirking at gwen who sips at her drink.

suddenly sam coughs so gwen and pete broke their eye contact.

"pete, isn't it time for you to get some refills?" sam asks him. pete narrows his eyes an sam. "thanks."

pete looked briefly at gwen before taking the glasses to go over to the bar.

"ok. pete is my friend. don't get me wrong, but..." sam started.

"why are you warning me about him? i know how he is. don't worry." gwen assures him.

pete is like mark. he can't connect to a woman. he's a good man but not someone for the long shot and gwen knew that.

"hey, ex-best friend! he ex-husband!" naomi greets them as he sats down besides sam with a drink in her hands.

"you are drunk." gwen states the obvious.

"ten more minutes and i dance and i require company." naomi tells them.

sam and gwen both watch her leaving.

"i don't think i've ever seen her drunk." sam says.

"sam?" gwen calls him when he continued to stare at naomi. "did you cheat on her?"

"over the years there have been temptations. but no, i didn't." he tells her honest.

"was there a lot of fighting?" gwen asks.

"hardly ever." sam replies while shaking his head. "honestly... it was bad, what i did. i have no good reason. i woke up one day... and i couldn't do it anymore. it wasn't even a choice. i had a thought, the next thing you know, i'm burning it all down. i left her and i don't know why. what kind of a person does this?"

"hell if i know." she answers.


the next day was the day gwen had to leave again. she stood in the lobby with addie and naomi.

"you're ugly and old." she told addie while hugging.

"i'll miss you too." she answerd.

then she hugged naomi.

"i'm gonna miss you gwen. it felt good to have you back." naomi said.

gwen nodded and turned to the elevator.

"there is an empty office." naomi repeated.

"ha! don't tempt me." gwen chuckled.

"think about it." addie said.

then the elevator closed.

"hold the door." someone said.

it was pete who stepped into the elevator.

"you're already leaving?"

"yeah. seattle is calling for me." gwen said.

"so, your not coming back?" he asked.

"probably not. no. seattle is what makes me happy." she said.

the elevator opened.

"that means, goodbye." gwen said.

"goodbye gwen." he smiled then gwen stepped out of the elevator.

she looked through the practice one more time before she sat in her car again driving back to seattle.

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