sixty one

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gwen was in the hospital walking up to cristina and meredith. mark standing on the other side of the counter.

"yang, you're going solo today." gwen announces.

"been there." cristina said bored.

"cardio solo." gwen informs her. "valve replacement."

"porcine or...?" cristina asked getting excited.

"mechanical." gwen nods.

"i can try out the sub-annular stitches?" cristina asks.

"i didn't teach it to you so you could crochet." gwen smiles walking away.

"okay. thank you!" cristina shouts.


gwen got paged by mark 911 later. so she run to the exam room where he stood.

"what's the emergency?" gwen asked worried.

"there is something wrong with sloan's baby and i know you don't like her but please take a look at it. you're the best and i only trust you with this." mark says.

"okay, i'll look." gwen nods walking into the room where sloan was in.

gwen looked at the ultrasound herself while mark stood next to his daughter.

"as the legs continue to grow, the bands will cut off his circulation." gwen says pointing to certain spot on the ultrasound. "if we wait, we risk severe damage to the left leg, possible loss of the right entirely. but if we operate, 22 weeks, it's... still risky." gwen explains. "but if you don't operate, you're not killing the baby. we can rehabiliate the reamaining part of his leg after he's born, and we can fit him with a prosthesis. it's possible that he'll walk."

"oh my god!" sloan gasps.

"honey we've got options here." mark reminds his daughter. "if we operate, gwen can remove the bands. he'll be just fine. or we can wait a few weeks till he's bigger and stronger and we know the surgery's less risky."

"so, you don't hate me and want to take revenge?" sloan asks gwen.

"no. i can separate between personal and professional. and you're a good kid. and i'm gonna do everything to help your baby." gwen smiles at her.

"gwen is the best you can find." mark assures her.

"okay, well, let's get these things off his legs right now." sloan says.

"i'll book an o.r." gwen nods leaving the room.


gwen was walking down the hall when cristina called her.

"dr.shepherd, the patient is no longer interested in a mechanical valve." cristina informs her.

"well, i couldn't give you a total unadulterated dream case. people would talk." gwen smiles.

"i just spend hours prepping for the mechanical." cristina tells her outraged. "a pig valve is a whole different surgery!"

"two for the price of one. think about how much you're learing." gwen smiles but cristina looked stressed. "you want me to get someone else?"

"no." cristina sighed walking away.


gwen was in the o.r while mark waited outside because gwen forced him to.

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