thirty one

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"welcome back." gwen hugs addison who visiting seattle today. "i'm glad you're here, i miss you."

"aah.. i'm not back. i am here for surgery. and when you would take job in la you wouldn't have to miss me." addison reminds her.

"i know." gwen sighs.

gwen asked addison to come to help on a case. and since gwen is the cardio surgeon she needed another fetal surgeon.

"uh, charts, labs, a security key card and key to the doctor's lounge." gwen says while giving the things to her.

"ah, look, they used my old picture. it's like i never left." addie discovers.

"addie! you're back." richard says as he approched them.

"i'm not back." addie repeated as she hugs him.

"oh, you're back. you're gonna smell the stink and sweat of surgery and you're gonna be back." richard assures the redhead.

"see? nothing ever changes around here." addie says.


"well, i just had no idea that sunrise yoga would be so intense." gwen says to arizona when they walk together out of the elevator later.

"told ya." arizona says.

"dr.shepherd, i have the 3-d ultrasounds and mri's for today's patient." cristina informs gwen. "have you decided who's gonna scrub in? i diagnosed the mother when she came in, so.."

"films." gwen cut her off.

cristina gave them to her. then gwen and arizona left.


gwen was searching for mark because of the skin flap. she knocked on the door frame.

"hey." she greets him.

"there she is." mark says happy.

"just coming in to check on my patient's skin flap." gwen said while looking at it.

"amazing right?" he asks. "pulled a couple of stem cells from the baby in utero, six weeks later, i have grown skin. like god." he said while turning to her

"nice." she said.

"what do you say we lock that door and tear one off?" he suggests smirking.

"i have surgery." she tells him.

"come on, i'm horny. and you and i haven't had sex in days." he begs her.

"aww. thanks for my skin flap." she says.

"that a euphemism?" he asks hopefully.

"nope." she calls from the floor.


"ectopia cordis. the baby's heart is growing outside of it's body, in utero." yang explains alex, gwen, addison, mark and richard in a conference room.

"less than 200 cases have ever been reported. only a handful have survived." alex adds.

"i was on one of these cases three years ago. the baby squeezed its own heart in utero and died." gwen tells the others.

"he squeezed his own heart with his tiny little hands?" bailey asks shocked.

"richard, you said there's a possibility of a diaphragmatic hernia?" addison asks him.

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