fifty one

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gwen was sitting on the toilett holding the stick in her hand while mark waited outside.

"and?" he asks through the door.

"nothing. negative." she sighs as she opened the door.

"it's okay, we were just starting to try again. it takes time." he reminds her.

"i know. still, it's sad." gwen says.


gwen stood at the hospital a day later again peeing on stick wich was negative as well.

after that she and mark walked over to the nurses station callie and arizona were.

"next time, baby." mark assures her before walking away.

"those three words i'm hearing now since one month." gwen sighs.

"more than she's getting from her family." arizona points to callie.

"my mom, silent. my aunts, silent. my sister aria? i know, i know how much power my father wields. but seriously? what am i, invisible? dead to them? to my mother?" callie rants.

"you have to give them more time." arizona reminds her.

"why can't you tell them you broke up? it's no one's business, right?" gwen asks still frustrated from the baby thing.

"and i will leave you to ponder that." arizona says before walking away.

"you think i should lie?" callie asks gwen.

"i think you should do what's best. but whatever. next time, baby." gwen sighs again before walking away.


gwen got paged to the e.r where she was supposed to examine a little girl named maddy whose father got into the hospital because of gunshot wounds.

"maddy, how's this feel? does it hurt when i do this?" gwen asks looking at her arm.

maddy shoke her head.

"good. what about this cut? can you tell me how you got this big cut on your face?" gwen asks concerned lightly touching the cut.

"she's scared." maddy's mom, kate, interjects sitting herself next to her daughter. "she's scared she did a bad thing and you're gonna take her away from me."

"the police will want to talk about how maddy got the gun." richard informs kate as he walked over to them.

"we called social services and they'll be here soon. they'll give you the support to come back from this. and nobody's gonna take you away from your mom, okay, maddy?" gwen assures the afraid girl.

"it hit her in the face. the gun, the kickback." kate explains the cut on her daughter's face.

"huh. 'cause this doesn't look like..." gwen was unconvinced.

"that's how she got the cut." kate insisted. "her daddy shoots targets in the backyard. he put the gun down for a minute. it was really stupid. she never meant to hurt him."

"okay, you'll tell the police that and it'll be okay." richard assures whereas gwen wasn't so convinced by the mother's excuse.

after a few minutes meredith enters the e.r when gwen saw her she calls her over.

"dr.grey, maddy could use a little cleaning and repair. i'm being paged." gwen says as meredith walks over to her.

"absolutely." meredith nods and gwen walks away to answer her page.


after answering her page gwen went into callie's o.r to watch her surgery.

"hang more blood. come on, willow. come on you lived in a tree. you crapped in a bucket, for god's sake." gwen hears callie saying as she enters the o.r.

"she crapped in a bucket?" gwen asks with disbelieve.

"what're you doing here?" callie asks.

"saw it on the board." gwen shruggs. "never seen an intermedullary rod put into a femur. so... bucket?"

"yeah. bucket on a pulley." callie replies chuckles. "she's up in the tree. she lowers a crap bucket to her friend, every day, who empties it, cleans it, puts food in it and sends it back up."

"oh that's friendship. i would never do that for you." gwen chuckles.

"yeah." callie smiles.

"you know, they teach us in med school how not to care so much. we drapped the patients, so we don't see faces. we do a thousand things to care a little less. but you care like crazy and i know arizona loves that. and she'll keep loving that, even if you decide to lie to your family." gwen tells her.


gwen and mark sat at home eating dinner. both were silence.

"it will work." mark breaks the silence.

"what will work?" gwen sighs not looking up.

"this. you, me and a baby. we will have a baby and it will work. i promise. no car crash. we will get marry, move into a house and live out happily ever after. you deserve this. we deserve this. i will do everything so you get your happy ending." mark smiles making gwen smiles.

gwen smiles. "it will work. nothing bad will happen."

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