sixty two

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mark and gwen had sex the first time in a week.

"it feels so good." gwen moans sitting on top of him. "finally just the two of us."

mark smirks kissing her. "i missed sex with you."

"me too." gwen moans. "oh, my god!"

"your so good baby." mark grunts.


gwen was in the hospital being paged by arizona. gwen walked into incubation hall to see callie in a room scratching herself.

"gwen? that's the world-class specialist you wanted me to see?" callie scoffs making looking confused between the couple.

"okay, gwen has had the chicken pox vaccine." arizona explains before turning to gwen. "i snooped in your personal file." she whispers then turned back to callie. "i, on the other hand, have not. nor have i ever had them as a child."

"you're a paediatrician." callie scoffs. "how have you never had...?"

"no, i am a paediatric surgeon." arizona corrects her. "i don't do little diseases on little people. i do big surgeries on little people."

"you know what? this is ridiculous. i'm going home." callie stood up.

"no, no, no. hey, hey, hey!" arizona hold both arms out to stop her. "you're not going anywhere. you're highly contagious right now. you leave this room and you'll touch doorknobs, elevator buttons. and then you'll be the outbreak monkey."

"i'm going to kill you." callie threatened her scratching her neck.

"i love you." arizona smiles. "stop scratching. you're just gonna make it worse. and then you're gonna scar."


an hour later gwen walked back into callie's room.

"arizona thought some work might take your mind off your itching." gwen tells her stepping in front of callie's bed.

"scratching will take my mind off itching." callie says rubbing her back against the wall while her hands were wrapped with bandage. "take off my gauze paws."

"she said and i know you'd say that and the answer is no." gwen dismisses her. "so how about we start with the tibial plateau fracture, in room 2240." gwen says looking at the charts.

"hey, hey." callie tried to get her attention. "i am your best friend. so i am begging you to take them off!"

"she said and i knew you would say that too. yes, i'm your friend but today i'm your doctor and i recommend these gauze paws." gwen tells her. "we have the lisfranc fracture, room 2211."

"please, let me scratch!" callie begs her. "just for five minutes."

"no, it'll scar." gwen says.

"i don't care." callie shouts. "scars are hot. scars are bad-ass. scars are poetic. and i am begging you, gwendolyn."

"no." gwen shoke her head. "and please don't call me gwendolyn."

"i'm in pain." callie cries still rubbing her back against the wall. "down to the core of my being pain, i'm going crazy pain, scary, will this ever go away pain. do you get that? do you know what i mean when i say that? because this pain is need to scratch an itch that i can't scratch! the pain of a thousand itches! and it's making me crazy! not funny crazy, bad crazy! okay? dark crazy." callie said walking over to gwen who had a bored impression on her face. "make a suit out of someone else's skin crazy. okay? pain, gwen. pain!"

"you know that you can't change my mind. you can beg me, fall to your knees, but i'm not gonna let you scratch." gwen smiles before leaving her alone.

"you're a really bad friend!" callie calls after her.


after a surgery gwen walked back into callie's room. gwen stand next to callie.

"you look like hell." gwen states.

"chicken pox, you forgot." callie sighs.

"move over." gwen says taking of her lab coat.

"what are you doing?" callie asks as gwen spooned with her.

"i got you covered." gwen says using her arm to scratch callie.

"what are you doing?" callie chuckles.

"i'm gonna help you." gwen tells her still scratching her with her arm.

"oh my... oh my god. uh, that's amazing." callie moans slightly while gwen chuckled.

"no scar." gwen smiles.

"no keep going. thank you, thank you, thank you." callie repeats.


a few hours had passed and it was already dark outside so mark searched gwen. he found her in callie's room. gwen still scratch callie. he watched them as arizona walked up to him.

"that should be me." arizona says.

"don't be jealous. they're just friends. best friends." mark chuckles while watching gwen.

"i had the chicken pox. i told her i hadn't because... i find her miraculous. breathtakingly stunning." arizone tells him as they both watched gwen and callie. "just... i can't stop looking at her. and i was afraid with the ooze and the fevers and the scratching... i wanted to stay in the sexy part of things, so i lied to my girlfriend. and now... she makes scratching look sexy."

"she makes everything look sexy." mark smirked his eyes on gwen's back.


later that day mark and gwen walked out of the hospital together.

"you made scratching look sexy." mark smirked.

"she is my friend. she needed me." gwen says smiling.

"i mean, you could scratch me like that sometimes?" mark asks still a smirk on his face as they walked to the car.

"since we are alone at home again, i could scratch you all night." gwen told him while stepping into the car.

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