thirty six

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"back up, you're sucking all my oxygen." bailey says to derek who was looking over her shoulder at the computer she sat on.

today was the day the hospital ranking will be puplished.

"i'm trying to see." derek defends himself.

"it's not up yet." bailey informs him clearly annoyed by him.

"it's supposed to be posted at four." gwen says as she stands next to derek.

"it's 4.15." mark says looking at his watch.

"hit the refresh button. you have to reload the page." cristina explains bailey, leaning forward to the keybord.

"i'm hitting the button every ten seconds." bailey says slapping cristina's hand away.

"is it up yet?" arizona asks as she approached next to gwen.

"no." bailey rolls her eyes.

"hi." arizona greets gwen smiling.

"hi." gwen greets back not looking into her eyes. mark looked at the two with a confused expression.

"i think we move up a slot. pass hopkins, move to number one." mark assures.

"we're not passing hopkins." derek dismisses him. "we'll stay two."

"mayo could surge ahead. we'd be three." gwen tells the others.

"three?" derek asks his sister folding his arms in front of his chest. "pessimist."

"realist." gwen corrects him. "the rankings of teaching hospitals change based on any number of things."

"three's top five. i can live with three." mark tries to assures himself.

"hit the refresh button." cristina repeats leaning forward again to do it herself.

"stay back!" bailey slaps her hand away. "i'm doing this."

"hey, is it up yet?" izzie asks as she approaches. "here, just hit the refresh button..."

"i am hitting the refresh..." she says raising her voice. "ok, all of you, back up. stop hovering. stop speculating. the rankings will go up when they go up. we have no control when they are posted. when it is up, i will say it is! until then, back up. and leave me alone so i can..."

"it's up." arizona interjects her.

everyone turned their head back to the screen.

"number one, hopkins. number two, mayo..." bailey reads.

"told you." gwen mumbled smirking.

"number three, cleveland clinic." bailey continues.

"what?" derek asks shocked.

"four, mass gen." bailey was confused as well.

"what?" arizona asks this time.

"we moved down to five?!" cristina asks outraged.

"no. we're not five." bailey says.


"it's humiliating." mark states to gwen and derek as they walked to the nurses station.

"yeah." derek agreed.

"your the best neurosurgeon in the country. in the world." mark tells derek before turning to gwen. "and you won two harper avery's and are a child progidy." when they stayed silent he asks "don't you wanna say anything about me?"

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