twenty nine

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gwen was in the hospital the next day when she found arizona in an elevator.

"dr.robbins." gwen greets her.

"dr.shepherd, anyone who can outdrink me and still kick my ass at the dartboard gets to call me arizona." arizona tolds her back while gwen smiled.

"last night was actually fun, wasn't it?" gwen asks.

arizona nodded while drinking coffee.

"and i'm not a group person." gwen confesses.

"me, neither." arizona agrees.

"i think it's because i generally don't like people." gwen says.

"me, neither." arizona chuckles.

the elevator door opens to reveal mark.

"morning ladies." he greets gwen and arizona.

"case in point." arizona said to wich gwen laughed.

they both stepped out of the elevator.

"see you later." arizona says before walking away.

"who is that?" mark asks smirking.

"that is arizona robbins. you meet her a few days ago. she's the new peds attending." she explaines. he still smirks. "don't try anything she's gay. she won't even talked to you. plus she don't like you."

"how can she not like me when i don't know her?" mark asks confused as they walked down the hall.

"maybe i was drunk and told her about you cheating on me." she says.

he just nodded. "i understand. lesbians are not really a fan of me." he says. "do you want to search an on call room?"

gwen just nodded before following him.


gwen got paged from bailey to operate on her son. that was really hard for gwen, because she and miranda are really good friends.

bailey stood outside the o.r when meredith updated her again.

but suddenly bailey burst through the o.r door.

"dr.bailey? are you kidding?" gwen asks.

"i need to be with my son." bailey says.

"miranda." gwen tried again.

"i have no intention of getting in the way." bailey assures gwen. "i just can't stand out there. i can't. i need to be with my son."

"and what we need, dr.bailey, is to not have our patient's mother watching us perform his surgery." richard tells her. "dr.grey, please escort dr.bailey back outside."

"there will be no escorting of dr.bailey anywhere, dr.grey." bailey says.

"now you can proceed." bailey nodded to gwen.

"miranda, i can't proceed until you leave this o.r. i can't do this if your watching me with pleading eyes." gwen says.

when miranda didn't move gwen called her once again "miranda?"

"i just want to hold my son's hand. i just want to hold his hand, please." bailey begs.

"i'll hold his hand." cristina offers. "dr.grey can hold this retractor, right?"

"yes." lexie answerd while moving over to cristina.

"i'll hold tuck's hand, dr.bailey, if it's ok with you. i'll hold his hand." cristina repeats.

everyone watched bailey until she nodded.

"ok. go. go. go." bailey says as she leaves the o.r.


gwen was searching for bailey after tuck's surgery. she founds her in an empty room sitting at a desk talking to herself.

"i left it on the desk. i walked to the office door and i closed the gate. i walked out of the bedroom and wrote a note to the build manager." bailey says while gwen sit down next to her. "i left it on the desk. i was in a hurry. but i looked at the clock. i walked out of the door. the gate was open."

"miranda, this isn't helping." gwen tells her.

"did i close the gate?"

"stop this. it's not helping." gwen repeats.

"ok, i walked out of the bedroom, into the office, wrote a note."

"this isn't helping. stop this." gwen tries to calm her.

"i can't remember!" bailey yells as she begans to cry while turning around to gwen. "i can't remember if i closed that gate."

"it doesn't matter." gwen tells her.

"it does matter!" she yells making gwen flinch. "because i'm his mother and i can't have done this to him."

"you didn't do this." gwen assures her. "things just happen."

"no! they don't just happen! things don't just happen. people make decisions! people prioritize! the world doesn't just happen, ok? it's not on god, it's on me! or it's on tucker!" she yells while standing up.

"stop!" gwen yells too. "stop it. stop it." she says as she took her in her arms. bailey cried into her chest while gwen stroke her hair. "just stop it. you're a good mother and tucker is a good father. you love your baby. people make mistakes. you didn't do this to your son and neither did your husband." gwen strokes bailey's head while giving her a kiss on her head.

when arizona walked by she smiled to herself when she saw gwen helping someone.


mark was meeting gwen at the lobby later that evening.

"do you want to search an empty on call room?" he smirks at her.

"actually, no. i was meeting arizona for drinks at joe's." she dismisses him.

"gwen? you coming?" arizona called her from behind.

"i'll be right there." she calls back before she turns back to mark.

"i could come with you guys." he offers smirking.

"goodnight, mark." gwen says and walks away with arizona.

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