fifty seven

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a few days past since the chief announced the merger and every one drives crazy. but gwen was totally relaxed, quite different from callie, who is trying to get her job back.

"one more time. you be the chief, cranky and in a bad mood, and i'm callie asking for my job." callie says as she and gwen were walking around the premies on gwen's station.

"you are callie." gwen reminds her.

"right, so it works." callie smiles.

"you said that yesterday. and the day before that. and the day before the day before that. are you actually gonna do that?" gwen asks looking over a baby.

"it's not easy to ask for your job back after you told your boss to go screw himself in front of his entire hospital. it's humiliating." callie tells her.

"so, you're not gonna do it?" gwen sighs walking to another baby grabbing the clipboard from the baby's bed.

"what is the point?" callie asks. "he already fired me once. he's not gonna hire me back now because of the merger. whatever. maybe being a surgeon's overrated. i'd be happy doing lots of things. i could open a day-care. babies are cute. ew, that one just spit."

"callie, i don't want you to have to move to cleveland to be a surgeon." gwen tells her.

callie exhales deeply. "okay. i'm gonna do it." but then her pager beeped. she looked down at it before looking up at gwen. "later? i will come back later." then she walked away.

gwen looked back at the baby. "my best friend's moving to cleveland. yep. yep."


gwen sat at a nurses station when mark approached her.

"i've got a grandpa who wants a penis pump from me." mark chuckles.

"that's cool." gwen forced a smile.

"is something?" mark asks concerned leaning forward on the desk.

"no, just the merger." gwen sighs.

"you're great. you're a harper avery award winner. you deserve to be here. act like it." mark smiles kissing her.

"i can't wait to finally marry you." gwen says making him smile more.


gwen and callie sit outside the hospital eating lunch together.

"i made a list." callie states pulling out a piece of paper.

"you made a list?" gwen asks stabbing into her salad.

"yeah, to read to the chief. fifty reasons why he should hire me as an attending." callie explains. "number one: i built a man's bones out of titanium rods. two: what i lack in experience, i make up for in raw talent. three: i can go seven hours in the o.r without taking a pee break. four:..."

gwen sighs closing her salad box and putting it back in her bag. callie looked at her confused.

"what are you doing?" callie asks.

"i'm going back to the hospital." gwen replies.

"this is important!" callie insisted.

gwen looked at callie before speaking. "i lost my favourite scrub nurse yesterday, anne. she's a single mother, supporting three kids, and now she's out of a job. and this morning, a ten-month-old haemorrhaged while i was deep in her chest and i didn't have my favourite scrub nurse. i had to actually look up and ask for a mesh wrap because the new nurse didn't know me. anne knew all my moves before i even made them. and it felt terrible to be in the o.r without her. i was looking forward to 30 minutes in the park with my best friend. 'cause this merger thing? it's important to all of us."

"sorry. i've been...just... sorry." callie apologizes.

"he'll say yes or he'll say no." gwen softly says. "and then we'll know."

"okay." callie nods leaning her head on gwen's shoulder.


gwen and mark were at home eating dinner together.

"i'm so ready for this merger to be over." mark says.

"me too." gwen agrees. "i thought we could start talking about the weeding. should it be big or small. a lot of people or just a few. church? or just the two of us in the city hall. or vegas. i would love vegas."

"vegas sounds cool." mark chuckles.

"i just don't want to do too much. i don't know. maybe just city hall?" gwen asks.

"so, no bridesmaids? no bestman? no church, family, friends, white dress and a suit?" mark asks.

"i don't need this stuff but i need you." gwen says.

mark looked at gwen who continues to eat her food.

"what about today?" mark asks making gwen look at her.

"what? are you sure?" gwen stammers.

"i am. i love you and i don't want another day not being married to you." mark smiles taking her hands.

"okay. today. like now?" gwen stood up. "i don't have a dress. i want to look good for you."

mark stood up as well taking gwen, who walking through the kitchen while speaking, by her shoulders.

"babe, you look amazing. just grab your purse and we drive to the city hall." mark tells her.

"we will do it!" gwen screams excited but then her face changes.

"what is it gwen?" mark asks concerned.

"we can't do it like this. i want my brother to be there, my sisters, my mom, callie and addison. i want them all there. i want the whole thing. church, white dress, you in a suit. it's our weeding, that doesn't happen often and the day i say yes to you, should be a special day." gwen says.

"you're right." mark agrees. "you will get the wedding you deserve."

she smiles kissing him.

"thank you." gwen thanks him. "you will be a great husband."

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