Colossians 3:13

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NCV:Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

NIV: Bear with each other, and forgive eachother. If someone does wrong to you, forgive therrat person because the Lord forgave you.

Meaning: I feel like God was really putting this on my heart tonight! Recently I've had someone really close to me not forgive me for something I did. I made a mistake, and they aren't willing to forgive me. It wasnt even a huge mistake, but they cant seem to let it go. People tell me im a person that is fairly good at forgiving people. I forgive people that arent necisarally sorry sometimes, but its how I am, and its good to forgive no matter what. Some people struggle with forgiveness. They take a long time before they tell the person it's okay. I find that by the time some people forgive, the person they are forgiving has left because they have been driven away by the other ones bitterness towards them. I always think its best to forgive right away because you dont know when itll be the last time you see that person. You dont want your last words to be to them are words of hate, but rather kind, forgiving words of love. Can you believe how incredibly wonderful our God is?!?! All the things that us humans do, he forgives us for!! Some things are so serious some aren't, but he treats every sin the same. A sin is a sin. He forgives murderers, he forgives prostitutes, tiny white lies or anything in between. Why is it so hard for us to forgive someone who broke our favorite toy, or said something embarassing about us by accident. When someone does you wrong, I want you to remember this post. Are you going to forgive them right away, or wait until they arent by your side anymore. Remember you don't know when the last time you'll talk to them is. So always be kind. You don't want your last words to be "I hate you".

This person that I want to forgive me is taking his time, so im trying to be happy throughout it so maybe he will forgive faster even though its killing me inside. But hey, when I pray about it, God makes everything better! :)

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas break!!! Taylor, katie and I are all applying to be councelors at this awesome Christian camp that we went to. It really Changed our lives and now we want to change other kids' lives as well. So if you ever get a chance to serve God through other younger children like this, take the opportunity. I promise you won't regret it! :)


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