Psalm 45:11

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Psalm 45:11

NCV: The king loves your beauty. Because he is your master, you should obey him.

Meaning: This one goes to all you ladies out there. With all the mixed up ideas of beauty in our minds it seems like insecurity can become a daily thing in our lives. Maybe you think she's prettier than you, has nicer skin then you or she's skinner then you; don't let these things get to you. Your beauty isn't defined by anyone else. The bible tells us that we are made I'm Gods image, we are are beautiful just like he is, this verse further proves that point. Christ thinks your so beautiful; from fat to skinny, short to tall and everything in between. He loves you beauty and you shouldn't think any of yourself. Sometimes it's hard not to compare ourselves to others but we are each unique in our own way. Think of it this way: the creator of everything, the king of the universe thinks your absolutely beautiful! Now how is it possible to disagree with him! Your creator thinks you're beautiful, obey him, think highly of yourself. Often times the most confident people are the most beautiful. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how pretty you really are. Cutting insecurity from your life is a struggle I too deal with. However, true beauty comes when you stop comparing yourself and start accepting your flaws!

{ Sorry of the lack of posts this weekend! Megan and I had a badminton tournament Friday Saturday and Sunday! Me and my partner got 3rd place in mixed doubles and Megan and her partner got 3rd in girls doubles! It was a pretty great weekend, hard work pays off!}


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