1 Timothy 4:14

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1 Timothy 4:14

NIV: Do not neglect your gift, which was given to you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you.

Meaning: We all have gifts, although they may not be so obvious, we each have a gift. These gifts were given to us for a reason. God has given you these gifts for a reason, so use them! Like mentioned in our last post, why hide! Use your talents to glorify God, don't hide them. On the other hand don't boast! If you are an amazing singer than do so with confidence! Sing songs to glorify God! But don't go around bragging about how well you can sing. Really, your singing skill isn't something you have done, it's something God had blessed you with! It's a fine balance between bragging and hiding your talent, my friends.

Take action: To be honest It took me so long to figure out my talent. My singing, athleticism and academics are nothing special. I don't have any of your typical talents, at first glance I'm just an average person. After praying about and digging deeper into what my "talents" really are I came to the realization that I'm not average. God has blessed me with the talents of playing violin and ukulele as well as public speaking, fictional writing and encouragement. I know there is many of you reading this still unsure of what your talents are. Pray and pray guys, it took me two years of constant praying before I was shown my talents. Another tip you can use to help is a online spiritual gift quiz. I had got this suggestion from a person online when I was struggling with finding my talent. Of corse it's not even close to 100% accurate but I gives you a pretty good idea.

Have a great night guys! Remember that even though you may not be able to identify your gift from the get go, we all have gifts! Sometimes you just need to pray and dig a little deeper!


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