Psalm 34:14

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Psalm 34:14

"Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it."

Meaning: Well first off, I wanna say how pumped I am to be back! I hope all you guys are enjoying the new posts! I wanted to share with you a verse that I really have connected with. As you know, over the summer Katie, Megan and I were camp counsellors. During the day it was super hectic and high energy but after the campers left, it was just peaceful. As school has started and I am caught up with friends, field hockey, homework and work I realize how little time I really have to myself. In this verse it talks about how we must turn away from the bad or evil things in our everyday lives and do good instead. It then tells us to look for peace and pursue it. I take this as meaning God wants us to have peace in our lives. He wants you to take time out of your schedule and to just find peace. Whether it be relaxing in nature and reading your bible or whatever you find peaceful. Make peace with others as well. Don't argue, be the bigger person and make peace. For peace is something that can unite us all.

Take action: I want to encourage you this week to take time for yourself, seek peace. Set out a time during your busy( or not so busy) schedule and have some alone time. I know this may be hard for some of you but camp taught me this summer how much we all can benefit from it.

I hope you all had a great summer and a great day today. Smile and make every moment count. Jesus loves you!


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