2 Corinthians 5:17

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2 Corinthians 5:17

NIV: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

NLT: This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

I want to start off by sharing a poem I found in my bible that connects perfectly to this verse!

"Who is She?"

Who is that women?

What is her name?

She is so different that the others ladies theses days!

What could it be, that makes her so strong?

How could she be so confident and happy in her life's song?

What is it we don't know? What could it be?

Her smile says it all, but we still can't see!

What they couldn't find, nor understand

Was that this women knows God has a plan.

She know God loves her and sent His only Son

To pay the price for all the wrong she has done:

Her smile mirrors the hope inside,

That confidence of salvation is what they see in her eyes.

A woman of God is sometimes hard to find.

But when one comes around, it blows people's minds!

What a great poem... It has so many awesome messages throughout it but the one I want to talk about is that when we accept Christ, we become totally new people. The old life is gone and the new has come! What an amazing gift of salvation God offers us, a chance to become new spiritual people! Secondly, the way we act and what we do should glorify God and when people look at you, do they say " What is different about him/her?" I love the way the author of this poem said it... "Her smile mirrors the hope inside, that confidence of salvation is what they see in her eyes." Is your actions and what you say/ do glorifying God? I want to challenge you with that question!

When you make that decision to follow Christ, you become a new creation... What an incredible gift from God!


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