Matthew 5:5

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Matthew 5:5

MSG: You're blessed when you're content with just who you are-no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.

NCV: They are blessed who are humble, for the whole earth will be theirs.

Meaning: These 2 translations seem very different, yet both state same thing just using different wording! I love the way this verse illustrates the point of contentment and humility, which go hand in hand with one another. In the world we live in today, we don't seem ever to be very content with who we are and what we have. We tend to always wanting something bigger and better! But, like my youth leader was telling us last night, it's important that we aren't caught up in trying to be better and become more talented in this and that be find the spiritual gifts GOD has given us! God created each one of us,like Genesis 1:27 says, in his image. So we ought to be content with the person we are. We should however, strive to be imitators of Christ and want to please him, but shouldn't change ourselves for the world! Another point I want to talk about is being content with the things we have, not always wanting more and more. Something I want to challenge you with us to step back and look around you. Take a second to count your blessings and just thank God for all he has given... Even the simpler- seeming things! This isn't always easy, but "There is always, always, always something to be thankful for" :)

••• This verse is kind of self explanatory, but I really wanted I share it with you as I stumbled across it in a book today and I really like it! It really made me think about just how much I really have and how being content and humble is important!

Have a great night!


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