1 John 1:9

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Today's verse: 1 John 1:9

NIV: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

NCV: But if we confess our sins, he will forgive our sins, because we can trust God to do what is right. He will cleanse us from all the wrongs we have done.

Meaning: Some people think " oh everyone sins so he will automatically forgive me cause that's what the bible says." Partly true, but not quite right. Yes everyone sins, but have to acknowledge you did something wrong before you are forgiven. Once you admit you have sinned and you have asked for forgiveness, only then will you be forgiven. God wants to forgive each of us because he is Holy, forgiving and right. But YOU MUST MUST MUST, admit you have sinned. Once you have done that, it will all be put in the past and he will cleanse us. For that is the reason he was crucified, he died to forgive our sins.

Take action: Its really easy to forget to talk to God and ask for forgiveness. The thing I always do is pray one huge prayer before bed. I reflect on the day and think " did I hurt anyone, did I sin?" If the answer was yes I will confess to my Savior and pray for forgiveness. It's the only thing to do really! I recommend setting certain parts during your day to pray. If you follow a schedule it becomes a routine part of your life and it will feel weird when you miss it!!

**** WE ARE SOOO SORRY GUYS FOR NOT POSTING THIS WEEKEND!! K. Was at a youth retreat from Friday to Monday and I(T.) was visiting friends and family the entire weekend. Everyone needs a break sometimes and that was just our temporary break and this shall now return to normal posting routine. I hope you all understand! Have a great day/night guys :* God Bless

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