John 14:27

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John 14:27

NCV: "I leave you peace; my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don't let your hearts be troubled or afraid.

Meaning: This verse just gives me this great sense of peace. Calmness. And thankfulness. This world is can be very messed up & disorderly at times. It seems like we are loosing our moral values and there is just so much sin everywhere- broadcasted on the news, negative stuff on social media. So that's why I am so refreshed and thankful for the fact that God gives us peace... His peace. Not worldly, but is own perfect peace! The definition is peace: freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility. I think that Gods peace gives us freedom through faith in him! Its such a great gift. So go! Let you hearts be trouble-free, don't be afraid. God's great peace is with you. Not the worlds, but His. :)

"How can I keep from singing Your praise
How can I ever say enough, how amazing is Your love
How can I keep from shouting Your name
I know I am loved by the King and it makes my heart want to sing"

This song has been in my head and on my heart lately, how truly can we keep from praising God?! "How Can I Keep From Singing" by Chris Tomlin is a sweet song check it out.
So with Gods peace in your heart, go and praise him!!

You are all loved by the King <3


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