Psalms 46:10

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Today's Verse: Psalms 46:10

NVC: God says, "Be still and know that I am God.
I will be praised in all the nations;
I will be praised throughout the earth

GWT: Let go of your concerns!Then you will know that I am God.
I rule the nations.
I rule the earth.

Meaning: This is definitely one of my favourite verses and I especially like this version (Gods Word Translation:) Our world has a very fast moving society, it seems as if we are always moving from one thing to the next. The first translation of this verses words it as saying that we need to "be still" Calm down. Just stop and take a minute to talk to God- to see God in the everyday things like his marvelous creation. The second interpretation says to "let go of our concerns " There are so many things that can distract us from God like the concerns and worries of our daily lives. The verse says that when we are still, listen and forget our worries, we will truly be able to see what an amazing God he is and how much he loves us!:)

Take Action: This is something that I really want to work on...just for getting the worries of the world and spending time with God. If you have a crazy busy schedule and don't have a lot of free time, try to set a specific time that you can spend praying and just talking to God. God should be a part of our daily lives as well so just noticing God in our daily lives is a great reminder of this as well ( like I said before through his creation could be a way to notice that:)

It's the weekend yay!! Hope you all have a great weekend and God bless!


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