Blackmailing Love Pt7/Ambrollins

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EMT Dean Ambrose sighed, as he stood by the window in his bedroom, starring out into the dark night. He heard movement behind him coming from the bed and turned to find the man he loved; Doctor Seth Rollins, still sleeping peacefully. Unable to sleep, Dean left the room quietly and headed downstairs to the kitchen. He went into the room, turning on the light and headed for the fridge. Opening it he grabbed a beer, before he sat down at the kitchen table. He opened his beer and took a long drink, as he looked at the clock. He debated with himself over whether or not he should call his and Seth's best and Dean's partner EMT Roman Reigns; needing to talk to someone about the chaos in his head! Deciding against bugging Roman, Dean sighed and continued drinking. As he did he let his mind wander over everything that's happened to the trio over the past few months.

This whole mess started when for the first time in Dean's life he fell in love and leave it to his stupid ass to fall in love with a man who was already engaged...Seth! Seth was not only a Doctor at the hospital, he was also a man both Dean and Roman considered a brother. The problem with their relationship wasn't that Seth didn't love Dean back, he did; more than he's ever loved anyone before, including his fiancee.

The problem was Seth's powerful, selfish, abusive fiancee Doctor Randy Orton; a man who could and would destroy all three men if he ever found out about Dean and Seth's love! For months Dean and Seth snuck around to be together, with only Roman knowing about it at first. That changed though when one of the Nurses at the hospital Nikki Bella; who had a huge thing for Dean, found out about their affair and blackmailed Dean into being with her to keep their secret safe and to protect the three of them Dean agreed. She took full advantage of her new power over Dean and constantly rubbed it in Seth and Roman's faces. Thankfully for Dean's sake all they had done so far was make out, even though it pissed Nikki off, she wanted more! Both Seth and Roman hated what this was doing to Dean; he was moodier than usual and was pulling away from both of them, they tried talking to him, but he refused to back out!

Two days ago, Nikki tired of playing games; knowing it was Dean and Roman's night off, went to Dean's house to finally collect on his end of the deal. Once again though her plans were ruined when Roman called to tell him they had been called into work. She had been pissed when she left, but neither man cared or gave her a second thought. After she left, pissed that he had turned her down again, she went to Randy and told him everything! Randy confronted Dean outside the hospital about it, starting a fist fight, Roman broke it up and with people watching Randy played the victim, saying Dean attacked him. Dean and Roman left and went back to the EMT station, where Roman helped clean Dean up, they were confronted by their Captain and two Officers. Dean was arrested for the attack on Randy and their Captain told Roman to go to the station and keep Dean quiet and under control until their union lawyer got there.

Roman did, but as he demanded to see Dean, he was arrested too for Randy's attack. Thankfully just as he was put into cuffs their lawyer Ben Carter arrived and took charge. Dean had been furious when he learned Roman was being dragged into this and tried to take the blame, but Carter told him to stay quiet, let him do all the talking and no one would have to take the blame.

After they were released from jail, Seth had surprised them and met them in the parking lot. After talking for a few minutes, Dean and Seth left and went to the beach; where they talked. Dean made Seth promise to stop blaming himself and let Dean do the worrying for the three of them. They stayed at the beach for awhile, before they went back to Dean's house. They had something to eat and made love off and on the rest of the day, falling asleep as the sun set.

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