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 The sun shone brightly in the afternoon sky, as EMT Dean Ambrose and his best friend...brother and partner EMT Seth Rollins left the hospital after bringing in a patient and got back into their ambulance with Dean driving.

 Dean and Seth have been best friends since they met six years ago when they were training to be EMT's. They clicked instantly, becoming inseparable, they knew everything about each other, good and bad. Dean's thoughts were interrupted by Seth speaking.

 "Hey D, you wanna go get some lunch while we're between calls? I'm starving!" Seth asked.

 "Me too, let's get..." Dean began, but was cut off by their radio coming to life with a new call; a car accident. "Dammit, so close!" He said, as they both laughed.

**Two Weeks Later**:

 Seth sat in the driver's seat of the ambulance, while Dean was inside the restaurant getting their dinner. Suddenly, their radio came to life with a call about a shooting at an office building, multiple victims. Seth told dispatch they were on their way, he then radioed Dean and told him about their call, seconds later Dean got back into the ambulance and they left. When they arrived on the scene they got out and noticed there were other ambulances there as well as Police. They joined the other EMT's and were briefed by the Officer in charge about the scene; they had checked the building and the shooter was no longer inside, but they didn't know where he was and they were looking for him. After finding out all they needed to know Dean, Seth and the other EMT's went inside to begin working on the victims.

 Soon all the victims were on their way to the hospital; Dean and Seth were the only ambulance without a patient. Seth went out to load up the ambulance, while Dean stayed behind to gather their kits. As he went to leave he spotted something strange on the floor, curious he knelt down to check it out and realized it was a blood trail. He stood up and grabbed his kit, before he followed the trail into an office, he stood by the door unsure if the wounded person was the gunman or another innocent victim. He looked around, but couldn't see anyone, he looked at the floor and noticed the trail went behind the desk. Slowly and quietly he walked towards the desk, he found a man sitting on the floor with his eyes closed, bleeding from his leg and shoulder. Still not knowing who the man was he argued with himself about whether or not he should help him, the EMT in him wouldn't let him just walk away from someone in need! He went to the man and knelt by him and quickly checked for a gun, thankfully he didn't find one. Relieved he then checked the man for a pulse, he had a strong one, Dean began to check out the man's wounds, as he did the man opened his eyes and spoke weakly.

 "Am...am I dead? Are you an Angel?"

 "Sorry, I'm no Angel and you're no where near dead! I'm an EMT, my name's Dean Ambrose, what's yours?" Dean answered, as he checked out the man's leg.

 "Ro...Roman Reigns." 

 "Okay Roman, I'm going to check your wounds out. Then I'm going to radio my partner to bring the stretcher in and we'll get you to the hospital."

 "Okay." Roman replied.

 "So, what happened?" Dean asked, as he began fixing Roman up.

 "My co-worker was fired yesterday and he came back today with a gun and just started shooting people! He shot me twice, I pretended to be dead and once he left I hid in here." Roman explained.

 "Damn! Okay, we're..." Dean began, but stopped when he saw a shadow cross the glass window right outside the office they were in.

 "What...what's wrong?" Roman asked nervously, when he suddenly felt Dean tense.

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