Last Dance/Ambreigns

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Roman Reigns; one third of the WWE's most dominate stables The Shield, made his way to the locker room he shared with his two best friends...brothers and stablemates Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. He arrived and went inside, he found Seth getting changed after his shower, but Dean wasn't there.

"Hey Two-Tones, where's Dean?" Roman asked.

"Catering, said he was hungry...again!" Seth answered smiling.

"Again? That's the third time tonight!" Roman said, as they both laughed.

"He's your boyfriend dude! You tell him to stop eating so damn much!"

"Thanks Seth!" Roman said sarcastically.

"Hey guys!" Dean greeted them, as he came back into the room.

"Hey D!" Both men replied together smiling.

"Guess where I was?" Dean said smiling.

"Catering?" They answered together.

"No...okay, maybe for a second! I mean after that!"

"Where?" Seth asked smiling.

"Talking to Hunter!" Dean answered.

"And?" Roman asked.

"We got our rematch against The Wyatts!"

"Perfect! Now we can finish what they started tonight!" Roman said smiling, before he kissed Dean.

**A Month Later**:

Roman made his way inside the hotel, he had just finished a workout with Seth; Dean had stayed at the hotel to catch up on his sleep. As he went into the room he shared with Dean, he found his boyfriend finishing getting dressed after his shower.

"Hey baby boy, you're back! How was your workout?" Dean asked smiling.

"Good, you sleep well?" Roman answered kissing Dean.

"Yep, I feel a lot better!"

"Good! Um...Dean, honey I talked to my mom this morning!"

"Oh yeah, how is she?" Dean asked, not really giving a damn.

"Everyone's fine! They want us to go home for my cousin's wedding in two days!" Roman answered, knowing that his family and Dean have never gotten along.

"Nope! No way am I going! You wanna go, go for it, but I'm not!"

"Dean, please! They're my family!"

"Roman, have you forgotten your family hates me?"

"Hate isn't the right word Dean!"

"You're right! They despise me! They treat me like shit, none of them think I'm good enough for you! I'm tired of being treated like that by them Ro! I love you, but I'm done with your crazy family!" Dean said upset.

"You're being petty and childish Dean, you know that?" Roman asked upset.

"I'm being petty and childish? Dammit Ro, you always do this! You never take my side in anything when it comes to your family!" Dean said frustrated.

"You know what Dean? That's fine! You stay here, I'll go to the damn wedding by myself!" Roman said angrily, as he packed his stuff. "Until I leave tomorrow I'm staying with Seth!"

"Oh yeah Ro, I'm the childish one!" Dean replied.

"Yep!" Roman said, as he walked to the door.

"Have a fun time with your crazy family babe!" Dean yelled, as Roman stormed out.

**Two Days Later**:

Roman went home by himself, of course he missed Dean, but he had been an ass and there was no way Roman was going to apologize first! His first day home, he had lied to his family about where Dean was. Of course Dean not being there made his family dislike him even more, and they made little comments about Dean off and on all day. Roman hated hearing that and stuck up for Dean, but because he was angry at him, Roman didn't see that this was what Dean was trying to tell him.

It wasn't until he had listened to them bash Dean the day of the wedding that Roman finally understood and felt like an ass! At the reception Roman overheard his parents talking to other family members about Dean, bashing him and Roman had had enough!

"You guys are supposed to be my family! How can you talk about the man I love like that?" Roman demanded angrily.

"Son, we only speak the truth!" His mom answered.

"No mom, you don't! You don't even know him! None of you have ever in the four years we've been together tried to get to know Dean! You all think he's no good for me, well you're all wrong! He treats me like a damn King, he loves me and I...I believed you instead of him! He's put up with all your crap, and never said or did anything about it because your my family!"

"Roman, he'll only leave you and break your heart!" His father said.

"The only one hurting me is all of you!" Roman stated upset.

"Then why isn't he here for you son? Where is your precious Dean?"

Before Roman could answer his mom's question, Dean walked into the room wearing a suit. He looked apologetic, nervous and very uncomfortable! Roman's heart felt like it was going to explode from the love he had for Dean, and smiling he spoke.

"He's right behind you! He proved you wrong! He came despite knowing the crap all of you would give him and do you know why?" Roman asked, no one answered so he continued talking, as he smiled. " He did it for me! Before I go apologize to him, I'm only telling all of you this once! I love Dean and he loves me, we're going to be together whether you all like it or not! I don't need or want your approval, you guys either accept our love, treat Dean with the respect he deserves and treat him like he's a part of this family! Or you all can stay out of our lives for good!" Roman said, before he walked away not giving his family time to respond.

After leaving his family, he walked to where Dean stood looking around for Roman. Their eyes met as Dean stood in front of Roman, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, Roman smiled.

"Hey baby boy." Dean said quietly.

"Hey D." Roman replied. "You came."

"Uh, yeah cause I love you Ro! I'm sorry about everything Roman! I...I would have been here earlier, but I got lost...twice, and..." Dean began, but was cut off by Roman kissing him.

"I'm sorry Dean, you have nothing to be sorry for! You're here now, that's all that matters to me!" Roman said smiling, as he touched Dean's face. "I love you Dean!"

"I love you too Roman!"

As Roman kissed Dean again the DJ announced it was time for the last dance. Roman smiled as Dean took his hand and led him to the dance floor. As they danced Roman couldn't believe how lucky he was to have Dean in his life! He didn't care what anyone; especially his family thought of their love! If loving Dean was wrong, then dammit Roman didn't want to be right!


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