Adventures In Love/Ambreigns

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The sun shone brightly in the afternoon sky, as Roman Reigns sat in the passenger's seat of his best Dean Ambrose's car. The radio was on, as they drove to their next destination...truthfully they didn't have any set place they were going, they were just driving until they wanted to stop! To some people this would sound crazy, but to Roman and Dean it was normal!

The two men have known each other since kindergarten and became best friends from the moment they met! The two men had been through everything together; good and bad! They were complete opposites in every way; Roman was the more calm, quiet, serious one, while Dean was impulsive, wild and outgoing! Throughout their friendship Roman learned quickly that there would never be a dull moment with Dean around! Dean lived life to the fullest, afraid of nothing and he didn't give a damn about rules or what people thought about him, and Roman envied that! Roman never did anything without thinking it through from every possible angle and he cared a lot about what people thought of him!

This road trip to nowhere and everywhere, had been Dean's idea after Roman's boyfriend of three years; Seth Rollins broke up with him for another man! Roman had been crushed by the news and moved in with Dean. The day after he moved in, Dean refused to watch Roman drown in sadness anymore and suggested the trip. Of course Roman refused, not ready to have fun after having his heart broken, but like always Dean wouldn't take no for an answer! So, they packed up and left, that had been two weeks ago now! At first Roman tried to have some kind of plan in place for their trip, but as their journey continued though all his plans went out the window...along with their map, thanks to Dean!

At first Roman wasn't sure what would happen, but now he was enjoying the unexpected adventures they were having! Roman looked at Dean who was watching the road, as he sang along with the radio and suddenly Roman realized something! Something he had known all along, but had buried over the years...he was in love with Dean! Being honest with himself now, he sighed as he thought back and realized he had been in love with Dean since high school, but refused to ruin their friendship by telling him, knowing Dean wouldn't feel the same! So, he buried his feelings and over the years tried to find someone else, but he could never make any of his relationships last because they weren't Dean!

**Days Later**:

The sun was beginning to set in the sky, as Roman drove along the deserted road, while Dean watched the world go by from the passenger's seat.

"You having fun big man?" Dean asked smiling, showing off the dimples Roman loved so damn much!

"I always do when I'm with you! This road trip has been awesome D, it was exactly what I needed, thanks!" Roman answered truthfully.

"I knew it would be! I'd do anything for you Ro, I love you!"

"I know, I'd do anything for you, I love you too man!" Roman replied, wishing he could tell Dean how he really felt!

They drove for awhile, talking, laughing and singing along to the radio; just enjoying the time together! Suddenly Dean sat up straight as he looked out the window smiling and told Roman to stop the car! Confused Roman did, parking on the side of the road near a cliff, he was about to ask Dean what they were doing, but didn't get a chance too, as Dean quickly got out of the car. Roman followed and joined Dean at the edge of the cliff, a gentle breeze blew across their faces, as the full moon lit up the calm water below.

"What a view huh?" Dean asked smiling, as he starred out at the water.

"It's incredible!" Roman answered, as he starred at Dean.

"The water's so calm!" Dean said, as he starred over the edge, making Roman nervous afraid he'd fall. "It's a great night for a swim!"

"It is gr...wait! What?" Roman asked shocked.

"You heard me Rome!" Dean replied smiling, as he went to the car and began undressing, Roman couldn't take his eyes off Dean.

" can't be serious D?" Roman stuttered, hoping Dean didn't notice the way his body was reacting to seeing the man he secretly loved take his clothes off.

"Oh, but I' am!" Dean replied smiling, as he rejoined Roman wearing only his boxers.

"There could be rocks or..."

"Roman, stop! Stop thinking and for once just feel!" Dean said cutting Roman off. "There aren't any rocks, we would see them and there's nothing there! Before you say anything, there's a trail right there for us to use to get back up here to the car!" He explained sighing.

"Dean, I still don't know! I..."

"Do you trust me?" Dean questioned, cutting Roman off again.


"Do. You. Trust. Me?" Dean repeated.

"With my life!" Roman answered without hesitation.

Seeing the look in Dean's eyes, as he held his hand out to Roman, was enough for Roman to let go and live in the moment with Dean! Roman quickly went to the car and stripped down to only his boxers like Dean had done. Once he was finished Roman returned to Dean and took his hand, both smiling. Before Roman could say or do anything Dean still holding Roman's hand ran to the edge of the cliff; giving Roman no choice, but to follow. Roman could only hope Dean was right about there not being any rocks as they jumped off the edge not letting go of each others hands. They hit the water and seconds later both men surfaced, Dean smiled as he let out a happy yell, that echoed across the silent night, Roman laughed, as he watched the man he loved.

"Damn that was such a rush!" Dean exclaimed happily.

"Alright Ambrose, I'll admit was!" Roman replied smiling.

"See big man, I told you nothing bad would happen if you let loose and live a little!" Dean said smiling.

"Yeah, yeah!" Roman replied smiling, as he splashed Dean with water.

"Wanna go again?" Dean asked smirking.

"Race you to the top!" Roman answered, as they swam to the shore.

Later they were dressed and laying on the hood of Dean's car, watching the stars as they talked. Roman looked at Dean and knew that he was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with...he just needed to find the courage to tell Dean! He turned back to look at the sky sighing, suddenly without a word he felt Dean hold his hand, Roman turned to look at him, but Dean was still starring at the sky. Not wanting to ruin the moment Roman said nothing, as he looked at the stars again, loving Dean was an adventure...and he was looking forward to one hell of an exciting life with Dean!


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