Remembering Us Pt5/Ambreigns

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 Roman Reigns sat on the couch in the living room he shared with one of his best friends...brothers and Shield stablemates Seth Rollins. Seth was in the shower leaving Roman alone with his thoughts. He leaned back against the couch sighing, as he rubbed his hands over his face. His heart ached for his and Seth's former best and Shield stablemate Dean Ambrose. The reason for his broken heart was because he and Seth lied to Dean and now all they were was co-workers. Roman sighed again, as he thought back to when this nightmare began.

 Roman loved both his brothers, but he's been secretly in love with Dean for years now; he thought no one knew of his love, but he was wrong! A month ago Dean was involved in a car accident and was seriously injured. He ended up in a coma, Seth and Roman never left his side. During their time alone they talked and Seth told Roman that he's known for two years that Roman loves Dean. When Dean woke up a week after his accident they discovered that along with his other injuries; multiple cuts and bruises all over his face and body, a broken nose, two broken ribs, a broken right arm and a broken left leg, that needed surgery, he also had amnesia.

 Dean stayed in the hospital two days; Roman and Seth never leaving his side. They decided to wait until Dean was home before trying to bring back his memory. They took him back to Dean's house in Vegas and stayed with him. The first day home, before their friends and co-workers; Dolph, Paige, Roman's cousins Jimmy and Jey and Jimmy's wife Naomi, arrived Seth and Roman took him on a tour of his house, but nothing was familiar to him. Roman wanted so badly to tell Dean about his love, but couldn't; especially now that he had amnesia. After their friends arrived they tried to tell Dean about his life, but still nothing worked.

 Frustrated Dean went to bed and after everyone left the trio alone, Roman and Seth watched TV. As they did Seth brought up Roman telling Dean that he loved him. Again Roman refused, too scared to lose Dean if he didn't feel the same. Then Seth told Roman that now would be the perfect time to tell Dean that they're in a relationship, he wouldn't know the difference. Roman refused at first, he couldn't lie to Dean like that and and Seth reminded him that he could finally have the relationship he's always wanted with Dean and because of his amnesia it wouldn't hurt him.

 That night Roman lay in bed, still fighting with himself over whether or not he should do what Seth said. As he did, Dean came to Roman's room after having another nightmare of the accident and Roman invited him to sleep in his bed with him. As they lay together, Dean asked Roman if they were a couple and after he hesitated for a few seconds, he lied and said yes! He told Dean they've been together for years, they were very happy and in love and only Seth knew of their love for now. Then Dean asked Roman to kiss him, he did and it was better than Roman could have ever imagined! It felt so right holding Dean in his arms, he had never felt like this with anyone before and he now knew that they were meant to be together! After the kiss ended Roman held him in his arms, as Dean fell asleep. Despite wanting this for so long, Roman felt so guilty for lying and hoped in the end that Dean wouldn't get hurt! 

 Four months later he continued lying to Dean, they lived the life he's always wanted to with Dean. Everything was going perfect, until one night while Dean was home alone; Roman, Seth and the others were out to dinner, as he was alone he was watching videos of The Shield when suddenly his memory returned. When they returned Dean confronted Roman, the truth of what he did came out and Dean was furious. Seth told everyone it was his idea and Dean was so angry and hurt. He ended their friendship and kicked them out of his house, he told them he hated them and to stay away from him! It's been a couple of weeks now since their fight and Roman's heart longed for Dean, but he knew he had screwed up too badly for it to be fixed. His thoughts were interrupted by Seth coming into the room with two beers, he sat beside Roman and sighing handed him one.

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