Saving Him Pt3/Ambreigns

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The sun shone brightly in the afternoon sky, as the car and it's three passengers traveled along the road, heading to their newest destination. In the driver's seat sat Seth Rollins, beside him sat Roman Reigns and sleeping in the back seat was Dean Ambrose.

The three men were best friends...brothers, they've known each other since elementary school. Their bond was so tight, no one could come between them...or so they thought! One man; a very selfish, arrogant, self-centered, rich and powerful man, named Randy Orton came close to doing what no one has before and come between them. He came into their lives two years ago when he started dating Dean. From the beginning Seth and Roman hated and eventually grew to despise Randy because they knew he was abusing Dean; changing their wild and outspoken brother and turning him into a timid, scared little boy! Randy despised both Seth and Roman too, because they weren't afraid of him like everyone else and they stood up to him! Dean hid the abuse, lying and defending Randy to his brothers.

For two years Roman and Seth tried to get Dean to leave Randy, so afraid he was going to kill Dean, but Dean wouldn't and it tore them apart! It was worse for Roman though, because he was in love with Dean; he had been for along time, only Seth knew and he'd beg Roman everyday to tell Dean in hopes that it would make him finally leave Randy! Roman didn't though, until a few months ago after the three of them had lunch and Roman gave Dean a ride home. On the way he pulled over and finally confessed to Dean, begging him to leave Randy and be with him. Roman was shocked, but beyond happy when Dean returned his love, but Dean was scared of what Randy would do to the three of them if he left! So, the three brothers decided to run away together, Roman dropped Dean off his house to pack, while he did the same and picked Seth up.

When they returned to get Dean they found Randy beating on him, they got him off their brother, while Seth took care of Dean and called the police, Roman beat the hell out of Randy! Before the cops got there though Randy took off! They spoke to the police when they arrived and after Dean was checked out at the hospital the brothers left town like planned. After being on the run for a few weeks Dean slowly began to heal and return to his old self and both Seth and Roman were so proud of him! Two weeks ago all of Dean's hard work was destroyed by one phone call from Randy! Randy vowed he'd get Dean back, not caring if he had to go through Roman and Seth to do it! Roman and Seth didn't care what they had to do to stop Randy for good!

"Ro?" Seth's quiet voice spoke, startling Roman out of his thoughts.


"Do you really think this is a good idea? Is it necessary we do this?" Seth questioned nervously, glancing at the still sleeping Dean.

"Seth, I don't want to do this either, but what choice do we have? He won't stop until he has Dean and I'll die before he gets his dirty hands on Dean ever again!"

"I get it Rome, and you know I feel the same way! But we're talking about buying a damn gun!" Seth stated, the idea scared him.

"We don't have a choice Seth!" Roman repeated.

"D's not going to like this!" Seth added, knowing he had lost the fight.

"He's not going to know about it!" Roman replied quietly.

**Days Later**:

Randy paced the dimly lit room, as he drank another beer, he was pissed, those sons-of-bitches took his property from him! They obviously forgot who they were screwing with, he was Randy Orton and no one took anything from him! Being as rich and powerful as he was Randy had eyes and ears everywhere, there was no where in the world they could hide from him for long!

He sat down at his desk and picked up the picture of Dean and himself starring at it, as he held it tightly with one hand, and drank his beer. An evil smirk settled on his lips, as he thought of all things he was going to do to the three of them; especially his Deano! Suddenly his phone began to ring, he ignored it, but when it didn't stop he put the picture down and angrily answered it.

"What?" He yelled.

"Sir, I found them!" A nervous, male voice answered.

"Where?" Randy demanded, as he stood and quickly began pacing again.

"Sir, I really..."

"Where. Are. They?" Randy demanded angrily, as he knocked everything off his desk.

His informant quickly gave him what he wanted to know, before Randy hung up, smiling evilly he dialed his private pilot and ordered him to have his plane ready to go in an hour. After hanging up he bent down and picked up the picture and still smiling he spoke, as he touched Dean's smiling face.

"Ready or not Deano, I'm coming to bring you home!"

He dropped the picture back to the floor, stood up and straightened out his clothes, before he walked to the door, stepping on the picture as did.


Dean slept on the bed; he had fallen back to sleep after having another nightmare. It had taken both Roman and Seth over an hour to calm him down this time. Once Dean was sleeping again, Seth went to get them breakfast, while Roman went for a shower.

Roman returned to the main part of the room dressed, and found Dean standing by the window, starring out into the early morning world, his arms wrapped around himself as if to keep himself safe. Roman's heart ached seeing Dean so broken and scared, all he wanted was to take all of Dean's pain away, but he couldn't and it broke his heart into a million pieces; he felt like he was failing as a boyfriend!

"You're starring again!" Dean said without turning from the window.

"Sorry D, I..."

"It's okay Ro, I get why you and Seth do it." Dean said cutting Roman off gently. "Where is Seth?" He asked turning to face Roman.

"He went to get us breakfast." Roman answered, as he went to Dean and hugged him tight.

"Oh." Dean said, as the hug ended.

"You okay babe?" Roman asked concerned.

"You really want me to answer that?" Dean joked smiling sadly. "I'm just tired Ro...tired of being afraid, tired of running! I just want my life back, I want what that bastard took from me back!"

"I know baby, Seth and I want that too! It won't be like this forever though Dean!"

"Won't it Roman? You two don't know Randy, like I do! It'll never be over until he wants it to be! He won't stop until I'm back with him!" Dean said upset, as his tears fell silently.

"You're wrong Dean!" Seth's voice came from behind them, both men turned to look at him, neither had heard him return.

"How Seth?" Dean begged.

"You have something he doesn't!" Seth answered, as he sat the food down on the table.


"Us!" Roman and Seth answered together.

"I love you guys!" Dean said, as he pulled both of his brothers in for a group hug.

"He won't hurt you again Dean, we promise!" Seth said, as the hug ended.

"Please don't make me any promises! They can always be broken!" Dean said sadly, as he went to the bathroom for a shower.

"Don't worry Dean, this is one promise we plan on keeping!" Roman whispered, as he starred at his bag where the gun lay hidden.


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