The Bet/Ambreigns

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 Dean Ambrose; one third of The Shield, smiled to himself, as he walked through the crowded bar, his bottle of beer in one hand and a piece of paper in the other. He sat down at the table his two best friends...brothers and Shield stablemates Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns were sitting at.

 "Drinks are on you Rollins!" Dean stated still smiling, as he tossed the paper onto the table in front of his brothers.

 "Damn you Ambrose!" Seth said annoyed, as he checked the paper out.

 "You both are jerks, you know that! Making a stupid bet to see who can get some poor girl's number first!" Roman scolded his brothers.

 "Come on Ro, lighten up man! It's harmless." Seth replied, Dean agreed.

 "How is flirting with someone, getting their number and not calling them harmless?" Roman asked.

 "Who said I wasn't going to call her?" Dean asked smiling, as he winked, before he picked up the paper and put it in his pocket.

 "Wow." Roman said smiling, as he shook his head.

 "Anyway Rollins, a bet's a bet dude! You lost, so you buy!"

 "Whatever Ambrose! Shut up and drink your damn beer!" Seth said smiling, as Dean laughed.

**A Month Later**:

 Dean sighed frustrated, as he made his way back to the hotel room he shared with Roman and Seth. He had just gotten back from another date and unlike every other man or woman he's gone out with, the girl had ended their date tonight at her front door; instead of in bed, like all his other dates. He was frustrated and knew his brothers; especially Seth, would bug the hell out of him about it! Seth had the same luck and attitude with dates like Dean and he loved to tease Dean when the rare time he didn't get lucky happened; Dean though did the same to Seth. He went inside to find his brothers sitting in the main part of the room, playing poker, Roman noticed him first and spoke.

 "Hey Seth, look who's home from his date Lucky Ambrose!"

 "Hey Lucky, you have fun dude? No, don't answer that, we already know you did!"

 "Ha, ha! You're a funny, little man aren't you Rollins?" Dean said, as he sat beside Seth on the couch frustrated.

 Seth went to take a sip of his beer, but Dean took the bottle out of his hand and chugged the rest of it, before he gave it back to Seth empty.

 "Wow, thanks dude." Seth said laughing, he put the bottle down and looked at his watch. "It's pretty early D, how come your back already?"

 "Don't ask!" Dean said, as he leaned his head back against the couch and covered his face with his arm, Seth and Roman looked at each other.

 "What's wrong Deano, she wear you out?" Roman said, as he and Seth laughed.

 "Ha, ha, ha no!" Dean said, as he sat up and looked at them.

 "Okay, what happened then?" Seth asked, patting Dean on the back.

 "Nothing alright, nothing happened! We got back to her place and she went inside without me."

 "Wait, so you didn't even get a kiss goodnight?" Roman asked, trying not to laugh.

 "Ah, the kiss...oh, I got a goodnight kiss." Dean answered smiling.

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