Gone Pt3/Ambrollins

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 Dean Ambrose sat on the bench in the locker room at his job, starring at the wall. He sighed as he ran his hands over his face, he had just been suspended. As he sat starring at the wall, he began to think about how his life got out of control.

 Three months ago his life was perfect to him! He shared his life with the two of the greatest people in the world and the two most important people in his life; his boyfriend Seth Rollins and their best friend...brother Roman Reigns. The trio had been brothers since they met years earlier on their first day of Police Academy. The three men were complete opposites, but they clicked from the moment they met and in a short time became inseparable. The three men were hard workers and after only a couple of years on the force they tried out for the SWAT team together and all three made it. They continued working hard and seven years later the trio; who called themselves The Shield, were the best on the force. Three years ago Dean and Seth fell in love and with Roman's full support they became a couple. 

 Their perfect world crumbled one night three months ago, when on a routine call; a bank robbery/hostage situation, one they've done dozens of times, Seth was shot and killed by one of the robbers. He died in Dean's arms, holding Roman's hand and with him died a piece of both his brothers.

 After Seth died, Dean changed becoming like a zombie; going through the motions of life, but not living. He withdrew from life...from Roman and whenever Roman tried to talk to him about it or anything to do with Seth, Dean refused; even getting angry at him when he wouldn't quit. Dean knew Roman took Seth's death just as hard as he did and was barely hanging on, but to Dean his pain ran deeper than Roman's. As time passed Dean began taking stupid risks at work; risks he never would have taken before Seth's death, and they didn't go unnoticed by their Captain. He also secretly became obsessed with finding the man who took Seth from him; knowing the only way he'd be able to move on was if he killed the son-of-a-bitch too!

 Tonight before he began his shift he had been called into the Captain's office and after a half hour of being yelled at, he was then ordered to hand over his gun and badge and was put on suspension. His thoughts were interrupted by Roman coming into the room, he sat beside Dean sighing, as he spoke.

 "Dean, I just heard about your suspension." Roman said gently. "You okay?"

 "Besides getting my ass handed to me by Captain Carter, I'm just fine!" Dean answered sarcastically.

 "Dean, stop pushing me away! I'm your brother D, talk to me please...I'm worried about you."

 "Well, don't I'm fine Roman!" Dean said angrily, as he stood.

 "Dammit Dean, you're not the only one who lost Seth! I lost him too, I had my heart ripped out just like you!" Roman replied angrily, as he stood too. "You've changed Dean!"

 "You're right Roman, I have! I lost the man I love, how the hell am I supposed to act Ro? Tell me please, cause I have no idea what the hell I'm doing anymore!" Dean said upset.

 "Seth would be furious with you acting like this!" Roman stated. "Dammit Dean, this won't bring him back!"

 "Screw you Reigns!" Dean replied, as he grabbed his bag and stormed out.

 "Dammit Ambrose!" Roman said angrily out loud to himself, as he kicked a small garbage can across the room.

**A Week Later**:

 Dean stood starring at the wall in his home office, as he drank some of the beer he held. On the wall in front of him were pictures and info he had collected of the man that had killed Seth. Dean had used every contact he had as an Officer to gather the info and pictures; he wasn't proud of himself for the way he had gotten some of the info, but he justified it by lying to himself claiming it was for justice, not revenge! He hadn't seen or spoken to Roman since the day he was suspended a week ago and even though he loved Roman and hated that he was pushing him away, it was easier to do that than have his brother remind him of the truth behind what he was doing.

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