Opposites Attract Pt6/Ambrollins

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Seth Rollins lay on his bed, starring at the ceiling in the dark. It was three in the morning, but he just couldn't shut his brain off, his thoughts revolving around one man; a man he never thought he'd fall for, but did! He sighed, as he picked up his phone off the nightstand and began looking through the many pictures on it of himself, his best friend...brother Roman Reigns and Seth's former friend and roommate Dean Ambrose; the man he had fallen hard for.

Seth and Dean met through their mutual best friend...brother Roman. Seth and Roman have been best friends since elementary school and Dean's been best friends with Roman for six years, meeting at work; both work as mechanics at the best garage in town. Even though Roman was like a brother to both men and they both knew all about each other, they had never met before. After Roman learned that Dean needed a new place to live and Seth needed a new roommate, he got them together.

From the moment Dean came into his life, Seth's perfectly neat and very organized world was turned upside down, thanks to Dean's chaotic way of life! All his life Seth's been an uptight, over thinker, who had to have order and neatness in every aspect of his life; from his house, job as a bank manager, to his appearance and everything in between or he wasn't happy! Roman knew about it and loved to tease him about it, years ago he gave Seth the nickname Coneat Freak; which is control freak and neat freak put together. Dean is Seth's complete opposite in every way, he was loud, messy, always acting first without thinking, he said and did what he wanted; not giving a damn what anyone thought or said about him!

From the moment they met, Seth has been very attracted to Dean, but told no one; including Roman. Of course Seth tried to play it cool, act like nothing was going on, but Dean would constantly do things to tease him; like walk around without a shirt on or sit so close to Seth on the couch their bodies touched. Dean and his incredible body; not to forget Dean's adorable dimples that Seth loved so much, were slowly driving him crazy! Dean was all he thought and dreamt about, since meeting him, Seth found himself having dirty thoughts about Dean; it was like a non-stop porno in his head starring himself and Dean!

Just when Seth thought things couldn't get worse...they did! Two months ago Seth came home early from work and thinking Dean was still at work he decided to go for a shower. Seth ended up walking in on Dean as he got out of the shower, seeing Dean's wet, naked body...all of it, was even better than anything that he could have imagined! He was so embarrassed and apologized to Dean; who didn't seem bothered by it at all. Dean told him if he wanted to make it up to him, all he had to do was take him to dinner and he'd forget everything, Seth quickly agreed. After a wonderful dinner, Dean took Seth to a bar he went to often with Roman. Seth wasn't a drinker and had never been to a bar before, so Dean decided to help him relax by teaching him how to play pool.

After seeing Dean naked, Seth was nervous to have him so close to him, but managed to avoid any problems during their game. When they left the bar Dean forgot his jacket, so he went back inside for it, leaving Seth at his car. As he waited some drunk idiot got a little too hands on with Seth and wouldn't leave him alone, until Dean returned. Dean fought the guy and Seth thought watching him fight was one of the hottest things he's ever seen! Dean won the fight and they went home, where Seth took Dean to the bathroom to help clean him up. After he was done, they kissed and it was everything Seth thought it would be and more! Until Dean pulled away and after telling Seth the kiss had been a mistake, he left the room. He avoided Seth for a week, then days after the kiss, Seth came home from work to find a note from Dean saying he had moved out, not believing the words Seth went to Dean's room and found it empty! Heartbroken he had called Roman, who rushed over and they talked with Roman promising he'd fix it, before he left to find Dean.

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