Cheating Hearts/Ambrollins

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Dean Ambrose; the WWE's resident Lunatic Fringe and one third of The Shield, made his way to the locker room he shared with his best friends...brothers and Shield stablemates Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.

Dean had changed for their match against the Usos and Ryback before Seth and Roman, so he had gone to grab a bite to eat in catering. When he went into the locker room he saw Seth finishing getting changed, Roman wasn't there.

"D, can we talk?" Seth asked quietly, noticing he had returned.

"Yeah." Dean answered sighing, as he sat.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I guess I'm a little more jealous than I thought! Can you forgive me babe?"

"A little?" Dean began smiling, as Seth sat on his knee, wrapping his arms around Dean's neck. "Seth, you threatened to curb stomp that sound guy's head into the floor because he smiled at me!"

"No, I threatened to curb stomp that guy's head into the floor because he was starring at your ass when you walked away! Hell, he was undressing you with his damn eyes!" Seth corrected him. "My point is I'm sorry, so can you forgive me?" He added, as he began kissing Dean's neck.

"Hmm...I don't know baby boy! I think you'll have to show me how sorry you really are!" Dean said smirking, before smiling Seth began making out with him.

"How about I show you later at the hotel after Smackdown?" Seth suggested.

"Tease!" Dean said winking, before he kissed Seth and they stood. "Just for the record, I love you Seth, okay? I don't want anyone else, so no more threatening people alright?"

"Alright, I love you too!" Seth agreed smiling, as Dean hugged him.

"Okay, come on let's go find Rome and go kick some Wyatt ass!" Dean said smiling, as he took Seth's hand and they left the room.

**Weeks Later**:

Days passed and even though Dean and Seth loved each other, they began fighting more and more and taking longer each time to make up after. Even though Seth wanted to spend the rest of his life with Dean, he knew they needed to separate for awhile to remember their love before they ended up hating each other. He was as gentle as could when he told Dean, it killed Seth to see the pain in Dean's eyes, both men had cried, before Dean got up and walked away without looking back or saying a word.

The next day after their break up, Roman; who had spent the night before comforting Dean, was now doing the same for Seth. He held Seth as he cried, reminding him it wasn't forever and that it was for the best! Knowing what Dean was like when he was hurting and how self-destructive he could be, Seth was worried and asked Roman to watch over him, keep Dean safe.

"Are you serious Seth?" Roman asked.

"Please Ro? We both know how D is! Even though I told him it wasn't his fault he still blames himself! I'm scared he'll do something stupid Ro, you're the only one I trust!" Seth said sadly. "The only one he trusts!"

"Seth, you know I love you and D, and I'd do anything for either of you, but babysit Ambrose? I...I don't know dude!" Roman answered.

"I'm sorry Rome, you're right! It's just...I can't lose him and I know he'll self-destruct if he's left on his own." Seth said quietly, feeling bad for asking.

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