Playing With A Lunatic's Heart Pt5/Ambrollins

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 Dean Ambrose sat outside in his backyard, drinking a beer as he starred at the stars, while he thought. His heart was completely shattered because of two men he thought were his family; his best friends...brothers and Shield stablemates Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.

 The three of them were so close, they knew what the others were thinking just by looking at them. That all changed months ago when; despite Roman's disapproval, Dean and Seth began sleeping together. Dean like always screwed everything up, when he fell in love for the first time in his life and it was with Seth! He told Seth how he felt and had his heart broken when Seth told him he didn't feel the same, Dean felt like he had just been used and broke off their relationship and friendship! Days later though, thanks to Roman's help, Dean managed to let go of his anger and he fixed things with Seth. Their reunion didn't last long though, when a jealous Seth; after seeing Dean talking alone to Randy, seduced Dean! He thought Seth finally loved him too, but his heart was broken again when he discovered the truth and he once again broke up their friendship! 

 He was so tired of being alone that when Randy asked him out, Dean accepted; he wasn't expecting it to last and he truly believed this would help him get over Seth for good! They dated a few months, but Dean's heart wasn't in the relationship, it still belonged to Seth! Even though Dean knew from the start of their relationship that Randy wasn't faithful to him, Dean stayed it was better than being alone! Then one night Seth confessed his love for Dean; screwing with Dean's already messed up head. Without knowing if this was another one of Seth's head-games, Dean broke up with Randy and then later that same night he talked to Seth. Even though they loved each other, Dean told Seth he needed to stay single for awhile to think, Seth was okay with it and they fixed their friendship.

 As time passed Randy began trying to win Dean back, doing whatever he could to do it; even putting himself into a storyline at work against The Shield! Dean made it clear he wanted nothing to do with Randy, but he continued to try. Then two days ago Dean's world crumbled when one night after work he had received a video on his phone of Seth and Roman laughing, as Seth talked about not really loving Dean and how much fun they were having screwing with Dean's head! He had confronted them about it and both tried to put the blame on Randy, but Dean knew the truth! He broke up their friendship, before he got time off and returned to Vegas! Dean had his whole world ripped apart and nothing could ever fix it, he was broken!

 His thoughts were interrupted by his doorbell ringing, he took a drink of his beer, ignoring whoever it was. When it didn't work Dean got up and went inside, putting his beer down before he went to the door and opened it to find Randy standing there.

 "Go away Orton!" Dean said angrily, as he went to shut the door.

 "Wait Dean, I come in peace I swear! Look, I brought a peace offering!" Randy said smiling, as he held up a case of beer.

 "Why? What's your game?" Dean asked suspiciously. 

 "I deserve that, but I just wanted to make sure you're okay Dean. I know our relationship fell apart because of me, but I never stopped caring about you!" Randy said gently. "I'm worried about you."

 "Alright, come in." Dean agreed, unsure what was going on. 

 The two men sat in the living room talking; knowing how sneaky Randy was, Dean decided to save the beer and they drank coffee instead. They talked for awhile and Dean began to relax, Randy didn't try anything and when Randy spoke of their relationship; taking full responsibility for it ending, Randy had tears in his eyes, shocking Dean! He wasn't sure why he believed Randy, but he did and told Randy that, but he also told him he couldn't rush into anything or go back to the way they were! Randy was so happy for the second chance and promised Dean he'd go as slow as he wanted him too! Dean made sure Randy knew that they weren't officially back together, he wasn't ready for that yet, but if Randy could prove he meant what he said then they would get back together. Randy happily agreed and promised to show Dean every day just how much he loved him! Randy then kissed Dean, he pulled away after a few seconds, only to be pulled back in by Dean for another kiss!

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