Living In The Past Pt3/Ambrollins

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Seth Rollins sat in bed, finishing some paperwork he had brought home from his job as a Real Estate Agent. As he worked, his boyfriend Dean Ambrose was downstairs watching TV, with his best Roman Reigns. Seth sighed, as he rubbed his hands over his face. He put his pen down and leaned back against the headboard, as he began to think of his life and how screwed up it was now that Roman was back!

Seth and Dean have the kind of love you only see in movies, they're so happy and in love! Despite their intense love and devotion to each other, Seth from the very beginning of their realtionship secretly felt like he was in competition for Dean's heart! It wasn't just anyone Seth was in competition with either, no it was with Dean's ex-boyfriend Roman! Dean and Roman had been together eight years, they were so in love, until Dean was left broken-hearted, when Roman broke up with him and moved out of town. Roman was the first person in Dean's entire life he's ever loved romantically and that was something you never forgot or got over.

Seth knew Dean loved him and would never purposely hurt him, but their entire relationship Seth's felt like he was living in Roman's shadow. He knew all about their past and that Dean still and always would love Roman. Seth was jealous of Roman for having the kind of love and bond with Dean, that Seth would never have! The only comfort Seth had was that Roman had been gone now for a few years, which meant he didn't have to worry about losing Dean to Roman.

At least that's what he thought, until three months ago after going out to celebrate their four year anniversary, they were cuddling on the couch watching a movie. As they did Dean told him the news he had been scared to hear...Roman was moving back to town for work and Dean was so happy about it! Hearing that Seth freaked out and ended up fighting with Dean; who had no idea why Seth was so angry!

He was so upset that he moved out for three days staying with his friend and co-worker Dolph Ziggler. He ignored all of Dean's calls and texts, pretending he wasn't there whenever Dean came to Seth's job or Dolph's house. Finally Dolph convinced him to go home, it felt so good to be home, until he found out that Dean offered Roman to stay with them, until he found his own place and not only that, but Dean also offered Roman a job at the gym he owned! Seth tried to hate Roman, but couldn't because he was a genuinely nice and funny guy; if the situation had been different Roman was the kind of guy Seth would be friends with.

As the days passed, he tried to act normal and remind himself that Dean loved him not Roman. Dean and Roman were always together at home and work, making things harder for Seth. He had tried getting the courage up to tell Dean how he felt, but never could not wanting to hurt him. So, three months later Roman's still living with them and Seth was still suffering in silence! His thoughts were interrupted by Dean coming into the room, closing the door behind him. He quickly got changed, before he got into bed and began kissing Seth's neck, Seth smiled, as he turned to look at him and spoke.

"You're making it very hard to concentrate on my work!"

"Good!" Dean said between kisses. "My plan's working then!"

"Dean, I need to finish this paperwork babe!" Seth stated, trying not to give in.

"Do it tomorrow, do me now!" Dean said, still kissing him.

"Screw it!" Seth replied, as he put his paperwork on the nightstand, before he pulled Dean in for a kiss.

As they began undressing each other Roman knocked on the door, they tried to ignore it, but Dean couldn't and got up throwing his shorts on, before he answered it.

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